Zelensky just got EMBARRASSED by U.S. Congress in shameful money grab | Redacted with Clayton Morris


Zelensky came to Washington to beg for another $61 billion dollars but this time the U.S. Congress is holding firm and witholding anymore money for Ukraine. Will they cave?


America is not defending democracy. It never has. Its defending its business interests and helping its military industrial complex.

I never fell for it for a minute, and did my homework and told others not to fall for it. Same people that fell for the jab fell for this, but we all had to pay for them both. Don’t want to see him ever again in the USA.


  1. Zelensky wants 61 billion? With no accountability? Congress says no more money till our borders are secure! Then Biden takes 200 million from our defense fund to send to Ukraine!!! Who is Biden working for??? Not America and the American people!

    • And how does our Congress respond to this backhanded back door money laundering? There is no way in h3ll, Congress would have allowed Trump to do anything concerning money. He tried cutting the foreign aid in half. Congress responded by increasing the foreign aid amounts. They also refused to grant him funds for the pus filled border. When they did allocate funds for the border, it was a pitiful amount. Yet Trump is blamed.

    • You must be dense if you don’t think that Ukraine is fighting for American democracy. What do you think Putin is a fan of America? Are you that stupid, or are you just Trump suck butt. In my lifetime, the war in Ukraine is the most important war we have to fight.

    • I totally agree! Why can’t people see the handwriting on the wall that Zelensky is a “thug” robbing our money to save Biden and his disgusting son from going to prison.

  2. Your comments represent very short-sighted thinking. First, if Putin is allowed to win this issue, he’ll simply try grabbing more and more territory. And we will end up spending far more than 61 billion in blood and treasure. We can’t allow this to happen. Second: NATO is watching. If we don’t do our share, NATO countries will feel betrayed. Third, if we allow Zelenskyy to lose, we will in effect have squandered all the money we’ve already spent. Please open your eyes.

    • I believe you need to open your eyes Victoria!!
      Besides, NATO is totally and has been CORRUPT for a very long time.
      Talk about short sided.
      Only a IDIOT would think like that!!!
      None of this would have taken place under Trump.

    • These anti Ukraine numb skulls are simply Trump suck butts. Either that, or they’re just plain dumb, or anti democratic autocrat trolls.
      Republicans never used to be this stupid. In fact Eisenhower was one of the best presidents. These people make Nixon look top ten. The Trump /Putin influence is mind boggling.

  3. Only a fool would give any money with no accountability!! We’re the accountability on the other money we the people are not having any more of our hard earned money going to the pockets of the dirty democrats game over!! Joe!! All of your lies you must go!!!

  4. Tell zelensky to sell them two yachts,he just bought with who’s money? He is buying a mansion worth $20,000,000 in florida,what the hell is up with that?We need to back our ally israel,from being slaughtered,by terrorists, and let the europe defend ukraine.It seems to many are sitting on their arses,contributing nothing,that ends,figure out a peace plan that was offered before.

  5. I stand with Vance! We need to stop ALL funding to Ukraine! Zelinsky is using it for himself, NOT the Ukrainian people! Wake up folks, this is the biggest scam ever perpetrated! Biden is in Zelinsky’s pocket! What is Biden trying to cover up? We want to know!

      • CLAIM: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy bought two luxury yachts, named Lucky Me and My Legacy, through proxies for more than $75 million.

        AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The companies selling each yacht confirmed to The Associated Press that they are still on the market.

        THE FACTS: As the Russia-Ukraine war nears the two-year mark, social media users are falsely claiming that Zelenskyy recently purchased two multimillion-dollar yachts despite the devastating conflict.
        You have to fact check these Russian trolls.

  6. Biden is a little too cozy with that clown slightly unappropriated seems to me Biden and BIBI were holding hands a couple of weeks ago now Biden wants BIBI to stop the war against Hamas

  7. All you, for pouring our tax BILLIONS $$ into President ZelBeggar Mooch’s hidden bank accounts, must not be a alert Senior Citizen or on Disability. Or a alert concerned taxpaying American! Congress keeps saying, Social Security IS BROKE!!! Yet the American idiots (both Parties) are happily supporting The Non stopping American Money Gravy $$$ TSUNAMI to corrupt Ukraine, with NO ACCOUNTABILITY!! Nor thought, for us, the struggling Americans. Wake up!

  8. I don’t mind help the ukraine. those people are trying really hard to fight for their country. remember the Syrians all running away for the war.

    I do not like the political pawn they are all becoming.

  9. and what ever side your on
    for the rest of your life and so will your grand children
    inflation and more taxes
    so joe and hunter and hillary and obama and zelinsky live a life of luxury while you have to decide to eat or heat


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