Hispanic Woman STORMS Trump Rally Stage, Nobody Expected This…



That clip got me!!!! I’m from the 956 Mexican American and it was like she was speaking for us Latinos because in reality despite what the MSM wants you to believe we really do LOVE TRUMP!!!

Italians for Trump. Great show guys


  1. Everyone loves trump.

    Every despises the democrats. Put the whole clinton, obama, and biden extended families in prison, cut the CIA, FBI, Doj, CDC, FDA, NIH, BLM, Parks service, ATF and IRS by 90%. cut the black military projects by 80%. take all that money and pay the national debt down.

    Stop giving any federal money to any state or college. IF they want fed money they will have to stop all the benefits for illegals and stop all DEI, Diversity, affirmative action programs.

    Put a special prosecutor on every single democrat in any elected position.

    Kick every single illegal alien out of the country and build the wall.

    finally force all police to go to school on their own dime and take a minimum of 200 hours per year. Make them actually learn the laws.

  2. Truncated Trumper & his ILITERATE SUPPORTERS should be in jail If America does not put Truncard Trmper in jail, there will be no more America as we know it!! May the george who slashed the bond for Trumper never fish & see the end of the year. What is going On? Why are people blind, deaf & dumb over the excesses this IDIOT called Trumper are doing? “To whom much is given, much is expected. Any woman who hears, sees, & feels how this Trumper has belittled women, & support him is an embecile! Trumper cheated his 1st wife, with the 2nd, cheated the 2nd, with the 3, & cheated the 3rd, with Stormy Daniels & more. Women, are you dead? Trumper lies, 1st class liar, cheats, blasfames, vengeful, name-caller, con-man, highly IMMORAL. There is corruption in all his ten fingers. Have you people asked yourselves about his so called Trumper University? What happened to his Charity Foundation? How many people did he help? How many Blacks rented his house? Why did you fools submit so easily to this cheating clown? Birds of the same feather flock together, of course. You call yourselves conservative Christians, go & read the Holy Bible on Mathew’s Gospel chapter 25: vs.35. Answer yourself the question Jesus Christ put there, & take stock to yourself. You, & your slave master, Trumper have a mansion in Hell, & that is why the devil is propelling you more & more. “On the last day, on the last day only Holy Souls will see HIM. I personaly believe Trumper, your slave master belongs to cult. Anybody with dignity, would not do what his is doin, has done & will do. People with dignity, when they becom unpopular, they resign, apologize, & amend their ways. That is far from you, slaves & your slave master, Trumper. Woe to you all, shame to you all, he is JAIL bound!!! Since when have decent people glory in criminality? “Thou slugards, go to th Ants, learn their ways & be wise” Sociologists (of which I am one) say, “The most potent weapon in the hands of oppressor, is the mind of the oppressed”. You, Trumper’s slaves (supporters) are the oppressed, very cowardice, timid, blind-folded, deaf & dumb you are!!!!!

      • Would u prefer these Biden years or the trump years? Politicians will be politicians I will go with the right! Safer! Look at Israel! This never would have happened under trump! We had the Abraham accords and the beginning of Arab support! Now we have destruction! I pray a lot!

        • Hope ur prayers r sincere and not just coming out of ur mouth by saying so.. by the way what r u praying for?.. I hope ur praying that he repent and not rot in jail nor burn in hell fire.. go TRUMP!! Ur on the right track buddy.. lol

    • You don’t know the Lord very well he’s not into abortion and murdering babies and accepting everything that is an abomination against him in the Bible but you’re quick to judge another man sin ain’t you

    • You need to stop and get on your knees. God is THE TRUTH! Ask him with humility to open your eyes! Be open to the truth!

    • everyone loves trump and everyone hates democrats. jut the way it is.

      If you were not so bad at reading comprehension you woudl already know that too.

    • The America that I knew growing up is already gone thanks to the democrats. Wake up and smell the coffee you illiterate a$$$hole.

      • Thank you for that Rose. Could not have said it better. The only thing the democrats have not destroyed is their own pocket books and you named he right.

    • Anne I am glad you posted all this fake garbage. Then again it is better than telling the truth about your dictator and traitor Biden. Look the words up in the dictionary. You will find his face in the description of both. Bide also cheated on his first with his present. His son sleeps with every thing he can then wont take responsibility for the results any more than his dad. If you are going to call one for what most democrat presidents have done then why not call the dems for it. Start with JFK and his dad. Stop drinking Koolaid and wearing blinders.

    • This so-called sociologist (Anne U. E.) is totally frustrated & mean. Hope she lives long enough to see the next Trump presidentcy. AWFL ( affluent,white,female,liberal ) personified!

    • You definitely need help for your TDS because everything you stated has to do with Biden and his administration,they are the ones trying to destroy the country and if you can’t see that then you’re the one who is deaf,dumb and blind,people all over the country are waking up to the destruction Biden is doing except the moronic liberals who can’t see the true enemy of America,Biden

  3. Well stated. But take the other choice that lets thousand into our country and runs up debt that could easily ruin the country in the lone run. I was really surprised when a concert was shot up in Russia.Very unlikely to happen there. Now very likely to happen here. I am a double hater. I wish I had some one that I would went to vote for.

    • Chuck. when you are an alcoholic who is also using drugs you stop having the ability to make cognitive coherence. You need some serious help Chuck and sooner then later.

      look into it.

  4. Dear Anne U.E.
    Thank you for the describing the democratic so eloquently! Take a good long hard look at your leader joe biden. You will notice his name is not in capital letters since I, for one have no respect for such a deamon as he has shown himself to be. For you, you are nothing less than brainwashed by the good old devil himself. How sad. Maybe you should look biden’s speach at a rally on Easter. I dare you.


    If anyone needs to read thier Bible it’s YOU! You speak of slaves, but you are one yourself. You certainly have describled yourself as needing mental and spiritual help. Woe to you since you yourself have spewed hatred for all to see. The Lord laughs at fools, for which you have shown yourself to be also. In the days ahead, we all will see just who “goes to jail” since it won’t be Trump, but your very own leader. Your last sentence sums you up very well by showing your hatred. Slaves, oppressed, extremly cowardice, timid, blinded, deaf and dumb. Sums you up very well. Do not answer to this…I can’t stand stupidty and idoits.

    • gee your comment does not seem very tolerant or inclusive. I can see you are not a liberal so you must just be a pervert leftist.

    • There isn’t one single thing that Biden and his administration have done to help the people of the country if anything he’s put every citizens life in danger not only by opening the boarders but also possibly bringing us into WW3,our country was safer and the economy was much better under Trump,no matter what anyone thinks of the man he was the much better president for the country and the people of it

  5. No, Jerome, the demonrats will finally go home and ” that is where they will end up at” Can’t wait for them to leave.

  6. Pray for guidance in this election And when we win the border will be closed and the illegals will be bused back across into Mexico And no more unless you come in through the front door like the rest of us who help build this country to what it is today and no more handouts

  7. Traitor Joe Psycho has destroyed our country beyond repair. TIME TO DESTROY HIM AND COMPANY

  8. Minorities are running away from the democrat party in droves.

    They have watch the last 16 years and can see the democrat party just means death and destruction.

  9. Trump is a great man and wants America to be great again!! Biden is a cordupt man with a corrupt family.. hates America and wants to tear down America! Ask yourself are you better off now or better off 4 years ago!! America with no inflation was better for all!

  10. Anyone supporting democrats are braindead and brainwashed and will learn the hard way when they have nothing left

  11. The left keep saying how Trump cheated on his first wife. Did they forget about Clinton getting “serviced” inside the white house by Monica? oh, so that’s ok? Or did CNN fail to report that too?!

  12. Unsubscribe me.
    I see that those who write on this site are uneducated and ignorant about facts in our country
    They spew hate, and falsely claim to be Christian.

    • Do you actually believe that Biden is the epitome of Christianity,he’s condoned abortion he’s favors trannies,he’s the most anti-american,corrupt,pathetic excuse for a president we ever had and he’s also the biggest racist,try looking up some of his past speeches,so who’s the uneducated one,try looking in the mirror for the answer


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