As a brown immigrant, I am sick of the race hustlers in this generation. The entitlement of race hustlers is off the charts, and I guarantee this type of stuff is generating anger in others.
Asking someone to respect others around them isn’t racist. It’s asking him to act like a mature adult. Trying to make it a racial issue is itself a form of racism. He is projecting his own harted of other onto them to make himself a victim.
People playing the race card in this country is out of control ! They think they can do whatever they want and if anybody says anything about it they are automatically a racist which is BS ! They are not acting like human beings anymore but rather trying to see how far they can push people !
Unfortunately all this racist crap from Marxist idiot black dummycrats will cause an upsurge in KKK membership. But maybe that’s what they want. If there is no racism, a lot of the black dummycrats have nothing to live for.
Black people are way more racist than any white people have ever been they are rude and usually obese and a lot of times are big as a baboon just like the worthless Mexicans that have came over and destroyed America
I’m not prejudice against black folk but I can’t stand a rude, mouthy a$$hole.
I agree