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California’S Exodus Continues: 700k Net Loss, Why It Matters | Jim Doti

California’S Exodus Continues: 700k Net Loss, Why It Matters | Jim Doti



This recession is most likely the result of an external factor. For the first time in decades, the United States is losing its clout as a federal reserve currency. They don’t have any more economies to use to control inflation, and less money is being spent on stock and oil trading than in the past. They all lend support to the idea that a new multilateral world order is in the works.

Considering the prevailing inflationary conditions, it appears improbable that the stock and housing market will register substantial gains in the immediate future. Therefore, it is advisable to temper one’s expectations and acknowledge the potential length of the market’s recovery period. It is my professional opinion that it would be prudent to defer any significant investment decisions until the economic environment stabilizes in areas of concern. Until then, exercising caution and refraining from engaging with the current turbulence would be the most judicious course of action.

California's Exodus Continues: 700K Net Loss, Why It Matters | Jim Doti

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