Okay she is exposed. Where is the indictment? Where are the republicans and the justice department to lead her to her cell. That’s right the 1% can do whatever whenever to whoever and we waste our time crying about it.
We have put together, i think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organisation in the history of American politics. – Brandon
NO KIDDING!!! Everyone know this ugly old stupid hag made her money through illegal means. When is the investigation going to take place where she gets kick backs from human and drug traffickers? There has to be a reason for her big open borders policy and the fact that little Newscum is her puppet governor while the mass exodus from her run down crappy state continues and she shows she does give a damn about the people she’s suppose to represent. You idiots out in California should think about this, the ugly old stupid hag has plans for retiring in Florida and even has a house there. Why doesn’t she retire in California if California is such a great place? The people of Florida should burn down her house and make it very clear she’s not welcome.
They put Martha Stewart in jail for that yet the old c#nt Pelosi walks free. Guess it pays to be part of the corrupt far left democrat woke party
Nothing to see here folks, move along now and be good peasants.