God is the only way for America to get back.

Without God America will not survive


  1. The democrats, FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA, NIH, and EPA are trying as hard as they can to destroy america. if they are all given 4 more years they will likely do it.

    We need trump and for the republicans to control the house and senate to even begin to fix the problems.

  2. Look at history,all those that turned away from GOD, there civilizations, fell apart,just like whats happening in America.We need GOD back in our lives, for america to survive,period. The dumbocrap commies are the enemy,trying to destroy us,we need to eliminate them,with votes to show them were not there slaves,with no voice.

  3. If Trump gets in were in big trouble. He wants to be a dictator his own words. Is that what we want. Not me I want freedom to think on my own. You people are not paying attention to what he is saying. Would you want your child to be like him.

  4. Should be a law that the standing president cant change anything in the last year of service. You know president’s like Biden will try to change everything he can just to make it ruff for the next president steps in office. If they can’t f#ck things up in the first 3 years like Biden did, then its time to protect the next president coming in so that doesn’t happen. Specially they way the far Communist democrats tryed to do to Trump befor and ever since. Stop the lies and corruption of the far left Communist democrat party.

  5. Politicians lie and that is a given by pretty much everyone; Lie? — Almighty Jehovah God cannot lie (Nu 23:19; Heb. 6:13-18), and he hates “a false tongue.” (Pr. 6:16-19) His law to the Israelites required compensation for injuries resulting from deception or malicious lying. (Le 6:2-7; 19:11, 12) And a person presenting false testimony was to receive the punishment that he desired to inflict upon another by means of his lies. (De 19:15-21) God’s view of malicious lying, as reflected in the Law, has not changed. Those desiring to gain his approval cannot engage in the practice of lying. (Ps 5:6; Pr 20:19; Col 3:9, 10; 1Ti 3:11; Re 21:8, 27; 22:15) They cannot be living a lie, claiming to love God while hating their brother. (1Jo 4:20, 21) For playing false to the Holy Spirit by lying, Ananias and his wife lost their lives. (Ac 5:1-11) – An example of present day lies is about hell; Hell, which does not exist, is a false teaching (a lie) that has driven more people away from Him than probably any other lie told by the churches. — If you would like to receive all of the post on hell proving that hell does not exist, please email me at [email protected] and request the “full Hell does not exist post” and/or the full information on ‘lie’. If you have questions about or from the Bible, please ask, or email me with your questions; any help I can provide is always free, as is commanded in the Bible and I always use the Bible to answer such questions.


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