Will Jesus RAISE the CREMATED? | Buddy Brown



Ashes to ashes dust to dust God is there to protect all of us AMEN

My great, great great Grandma died coming to America and was buried at sea and I have no doubt that she will be resurrected. Nothing is impossible for God.


    • The spirit is who Jesus will call forth. I never stop believing in what Jesus is capable of. IT IS BEYOND WORDS. God hears our prayers- even when our spirit leaves this earth. He hears, and he can allow what ever he wants to. A spirit, WHEN IT STEPS AWAY FROM THIS EARTH- can make a request before God, and God can grant it. i KNOW. This is how God is. He loves us that much! AMEN!

    • Your Your life IS full of sh*t. It might change for the better if you followed God and not your idol Kamala. She is the evil one and guiding her followers down the wrong path. Her and Walz (Obama) will lead you to hell on earth. She is not the messiah. Neither is Trump, but he is a messenger of hope. You and many others have been hopelessly brainwashed and mislead. It’s up to you alone to do the right thing. Open you eyes.

        • Why do you think I am a Racist? Could it be because I don’t want to pay as much as I am paying for gas and groceries? what is you definition of a racist? do you have the mentality understand that with your judgement and name calling you just made yourself a racist

  1. Its probably close to 50-50 for believers and nonbelievers. I never thought I be around to see this. Oh well, to each his own. This believer will continue to believe. It seems to me that most liberals are non believers and most conservatives are believers.

  2. I believe in Jesus Christ. He has always been in my corner – come good or come bad. I agree, It is your Soul — Not your flesh — that will be called to Christ’s Table. May all Souls be called at Redemption Time. GOD Bless.

    • I’m sorry you feel this way and I wish I could understand why you think like this BUT one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Christ is the Lord of Lord and king of kings


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