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WHY Black Men MARRY White Women

WHY Black Men MARRY White Women



I was a white kid growing up in predominantly black Chicago suburbs. Almost all of my friends were black. I wasn’t allowed in half of their homes. I even heard one father through the door say “You ain’t letting the devil in here.” I didn’t really think much about it as a child but now that I see it everywhere in the way people interact with me, it resonates. I used to think “oh they probably think I’m racist” or something like that but it has now changed. They think that I’m a bad person. I feel like we were really coming together at one point but then the media stepped in. They amplified stories that they could blame on white people and buried the stories that would show that we’re all doing the same shit out there and there isn’t one race doing everything wrong. Of course 90% of the media stories were fabricated or hyperbole. I walk around thinking that everyone hates me and it appears that I’m not wrong anymore.

As a black woman, I’m getting sick & tired of watching and hearing everything about race. We are all human beings, children of God, and just plain AMERICANS. We are moving backwards in history and resegregating ourselves. ‍♀️ I have no problem with interracial relationships just as long as either party isn’t degrading their own people/culture.

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