WHY Black Men MARRY White Women



I was a white kid growing up in predominantly black Chicago suburbs. Almost all of my friends were black. I wasn’t allowed in half of their homes. I even heard one father through the door say “You ain’t letting the devil in here.” I didn’t really think much about it as a child but now that I see it everywhere in the way people interact with me, it resonates. I used to think “oh they probably think I’m racist” or something like that but it has now changed. They think that I’m a bad person. I feel like we were really coming together at one point but then the media stepped in. They amplified stories that they could blame on white people and buried the stories that would show that we’re all doing the same shit out there and there isn’t one race doing everything wrong. Of course 90% of the media stories were fabricated or hyperbole. I walk around thinking that everyone hates me and it appears that I’m not wrong anymore.

As a black woman, I’m getting sick & tired of watching and hearing everything about race. We are all human beings, children of God, and just plain AMERICANS. We are moving backwards in history and resegregating ourselves. ‍♀️ I have no problem with interracial relationships just as long as either party isn’t degrading their own people/culture.


  1. Love seeing and listening to a couple who are on Love! Christ does not respect Color, He respects the truthful heart! 2 daughters in a interracial marriage, wonderful grandchildren! I grew up alot like your wife, I had lots of black friends never once considered color! Jesus will set it All straight one day!!

    • I suggest you read the Bible again and do it slower and with understanding. Yahweh “God” clearly stated NOT to mix interracially. That is why is was ALWAYS against the law in most western “Christian” cultures until the last 100 years. You can thank the deceivers in the churches and catholicism for these changes.

      The problem is that the translated Bible is LOADED with thousands of translation errors from the original Hebrew and Greek writings; KJV alone has 27,000 errors. In Genesis it states that “God” created Behemah and Man. Behemah is translated to “beast”, yet it talks about a beast with hands and feet (rather than paws), that can be hired, that can be circumcised, that wears clothing, that cries mightily to God, lay with a woman, etc., none of which are characteristics of an “animal”. This is why the negro and the caucasian were created completely different in color and biological anatomical characteristics. Why do you think that Yahweh said, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”? He wasn’t telling us to talk to the animals, he was telling us to spread the word to the other “humans”.

  2. I married a Hispanic girl at 18 years old. We have a 47-year-old son and 6 grandchildren. Three are greats, and one of our little angels is also a quarter Black. We have never had any issues in our family, but from outside of it on occasion. How could you hate your own family?

  3. I have three brothers and my son who are married to white women, my brothers married in the 70s and there was never a problem with my family and we lived in Mississippi

  4. Stop with the racist crap nobody cares if you married a white women some of us have mixed race families and we don’t perpetuate racism so stop it with that crap. I get so sick of hearing about racism just stop it, God created all of us the same it’s people like you who perpetuate prejudice and you call your self a christian.

  5. Though obviously there are exceptions to every rule, I feel interracial marriage isn’t the way to go. My reason isn’t what most would suspect. My reason is to try to keep the bloodlines somewhat pure. Many would no doubt feel I’m a racist. As a young boy, I was raised to believe Blacks, Mexicans and Jews were absolutely worthless. Later in life, I realized everybody has to be somewhere, and all my adult life I’ve believed in equality. During my working years (I’m now retired) if a man showed up for work on time and did his best I was/am, colorblind.

    • You don’t explain why you feel that way. You just repeat your belief with different words: keep the bloodlines somehwat pure. Why?

      I agree btw. The races aren’t the same and something is lost by mixing. Diversity requires separation after all. The famous rainbow has discrete colors. Smoosh all the colors together and you just have dirty brown.

      • Yahweh “God” clearly stated NOT to mix interracially. That is why is was ALWAYS against the law in most western “Christian” cultures until the last 100 years. You can thank the deceivers in the churches and catholicism for these changes.

        The problem is that the translated Bible is LOADED with thousands of translation errors from the original Hebrew and Greek writings; KJV alone has 27,000 errors. In Genesis it states that “God” created Behemah and Man. Behemah is translated to “beast”, yet it talks about a beast with hands and feet (rather than paws), that can be hired, that can be circumcised, that wears clothing, that cries mightily to God, lay with a woman, etc., none of which are characteristics of an “animal”. This is why the negro and the caucasian were created completely different in color and biological anatomical characteristics. Why do you think that Yahweh said, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”? He wasn’t telling us to talk to the animals, he was telling us to spread the word to the other “humans”.

        Also, this is substantiated by man’s science. ALL life on earth, both plant and animal (flora and fauna), is categorized by the system called Taxonomy, using a specific set of rules, yet humans are NOT categorized using that set of rules and are instead all lumped into one species.

        This is NOT about white supremacy, discrimination, racial bias, racism, etc. but about knowing the truth of what God created and why man has filled “science” with lies trying to disprove God’s existence.

      • OK Lugh, I made my reason Chrystel clear. A good example of my reason is on a small outlying island in the Hawaiian chain. There’s a small village there. We can land on the island but we CAN NOT enter the village at any time. The people residing there are Royal Hawaiians.

  6. This is the way it should be! God created all of us and we should respect each other as we are. Forget all the stuff coming from the media. It has no relevance to us unless we are looking for problems to complain about.

  7. Living a life a long time ago with one parent Anglo-Saxon the other Hispanic. Simply because I could NOT speak Spanish very well. When in Elementary School, I was disliked by both White and Brown. Not to mention Blacks because they weren’t too sure what I was, so they caused problems for me too! Now that I have Grandchildren (mixed) What affects me is the way they feel about who they are. Hispanic-White and Black. Of the four one wants to claim Hispanic ONLY, the others are treated like outcast. Blacks say if you are 1/2 Black, then you are BLACK. i DON’T AGREE! No one should deny they are half of something else.

  8. GOD created us all in his image,we are to love one another as ourselves,he blessed everyone with special talents,we should use those talents to do good for others first then ourselves to be last.

  9. I think I know why his black friend resented him for dating a white woman.
    It’s not common for educated black men who would be good providers in America. Or at least that’s the perception based on crime rates, TV and prison documentaries.
    Lately there’s been a huge shift, but only a few years ago that was a common perception.
    So this friend resented black men for taking themselves off the market.
    At least that’s what I think.

  10. I am convinced that the racist question will never be resolved in America.
    Most Blacks in America think that Whites are racist and Whites are afraid to voice their opinion about Blacks. Obama promised to enter into a dialogue between Whites and Blacks, but this never happened.
    I am a white American who lives now in retirement in Brazil and the majority here is Black and they get along just fine. Yes, some white Brazilians have a prejudice but they are in a big minority.

  11. My Hispanic Son married a Caucasian. They have a Son that looks nothing Caucasian. Yet once he became 21, claimed to hate his Hispanic half And wanted to use his Mother’s surname. Don’t know what caused his anger & hate. He had absolutely no interaction with Hispanics. I wish he had changed his surname. He ended up in prison for a horrible act on his Asian girlfriend. Wonder which gang he has aligned himself with in prison. Last I heard, he became a Muslim. Yes, one sick, twisted puppy. Wonder how his hate is doing in prison…


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