“Who was on that WATER TOWER?” 10 Witnesses Come Forward | Redacted with Clayton Morris



A dead gunman… a dead spectator, two more injured…a stray bullett from trump…Yet nobody talks about a ballistics match.

Trust the FBI? Are you nuts? Trust the Secret Service? Are you nuts ?


  1. It was attempted murder and the cover up is running very very deep. How stupid are the people that are saying they are democrats . Some one needs to hang but it will never happen. We as a people of this country are in very deep trouble but as long as your favorite tv channel is on and Burger King is open all is well. We need to change this system in a hurry.

  2. I believe now the democrats are involved in a big play to take the heat off of the attempted murder by having Biden resign his position. People will fall for this and forget about what’s is happening around them. So easily controlled

  3. I don’t see diddly….. Calculate how tall that “cap” segment is on the tower.. Tell us that. Then tell us how tall the figure supposedly seen on the tower would need to be to create whatever it is you are seeing… Those towers are huge and that segment where I think you are saying the figure is, in itself, is quite tall – taller than a man… The water tower is about 750 feet away from Trump location, according to my measure on Google maps. Assuming you guys are correct and this is a multi-shooter plot, then the shooters were very bad. Crooks on the roof was pretty close to hitting the target from the calculations I have seen, but things are still up in the air and this extremely grainy video supposedly showing a man on the tower is very vague. THIS COMES FROM ME, SOMEONE WITH 20 PLUS YEARS OF FILMING AND EDITING VIDEO PROFESSIONALLY (TV STATIONS) AND I KNOW THOSE LITTLE ODD MOVEMENTS IN DISTANT VIDEO CAN EASILY BE DUE TO THE CAMERA’S IMAGE SENSOR’S SCANNING & TRACKING AND DISTORTING THE IMAGE (NOT TO MENTION ANY AIR MOTION DISTORTION) – ESPECIALLY ONE THAT IS AS FAR AWAY AS THE WATER TOWER (again about 750 feet). Am I absolutely correct – NO – but you guys need to do a LOT MORE RESEARCH and check with neutral opinion video experts.


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