White House PANICS! Reporter LEAKS BOMBSHELL story on Biden!!



Do you believe the CIA and FBI colluded to install Biden?
The evidence sure seems that way!! Also, the FBI has been hiding a $120 million Hunter Biden foreign business deal. Wow!! The truth will all come out!!

I’m voting for President Trump again


  1. Biden has destroyed anything positive he had created in over 50 years for the sake of Barack Obama. Obama is the great divider, not uniter as he preached. As a matter of fact, Obama was so well groomed for the position by Bill Ayers and Reverend Wright…Ayers for his communist beliefs and Wright for his oratory skills! A total and complete Manchurian candidate! And the liberals bought it hook, line and sinker!

    • 6/25: Delusional ??? Prices at the grocery store still go up every time I shop. Inflation, overall on everything, has increased 20% (since Biden took office). If your salary has gone up by 20% you’re fine … otherwise people are feeling the pinch. But … Biden’s not done. Dictator Joe is letting the Trump tax cuts expire! AND, he is raising taxes. Inflation plus tax increases are a double-whammy. America’s Middle Class is being ERRODED.

  2. The party of “law and order” and “family values” is going out of its way to discredit and attack our judicial system and democratic institutions. Welcome to the new Republican party and its value system! And Trump came down from the mountain with the tablets engraved by his God and handed them down to his Republican supporters.

    1) Thou shall adore and worship Trump above all things

    2) Thou shall ignore his crimes and look the other way

    3) Thou shall believe and embrace every shameless lie he tells

    4) Thou shall embrace corruption

    5) Thou shall attack and discredit our judicial system and democratic institutions

    6) Thou shall celebrate adultery

    7) Thou shall embrace disrespect

    8) Thou shall embrace shamelessness

    9) Thou shall demonize your fellow Americans

    10) Thou shall stop supporting the peaceful transfer of power

    And they embraced these commandments and blindly followed the prince of darkness oblivious to the fact that they once championed God’s true commandments.

  3. Gee Bobby girl how long did it take you to come up with all your lies? OH that’s right , you are a moronic democrat so everything your Dictator-in-Chief and lead TRAITOR dose is Trumps errors. Joe allows ILLEGALS in to the country, gives them free food, housing, cars, phones and voting rights, closes schools and hotels as to give them places to stay, all at tax payers expense. Lets them go free for what ever they are charged with. Lets them steel, murder, ape and loot with no punishment. That along with supporting murder of unborn, which might I add belong to God not him. Before you try to use the 10 commandments to make a point against which you have no clue try reading the Bible. Joe and his handler Obama are nothing more than satan’s puppets. Try reading the Bible and stop drinking all that kool aid.

  4. Wonder what Bobby girl has to say about his leader this morning after the debate. Joe Bidon has always wanted to be President so the democrats and Obama agreed if they could just steal the election and get him elected Obama could really have a third term. Poor Joe has been used like a dirty rag doing Obamas dirty work. If there ever was elder abuse this has been it. And poor Joe don’t have a clue what they have been doing but Jill does and apparently approves of it. And Bobby girl doesn’t even realize this either. WAKE UP AMERICA

  5. most of the comments on this sight are from delusional, unjustifiably anti-trump liberals that would not know a good economy if it slapped them in the wallet.

  6. Obama is the antichrist, Mikey and Joey. Don’t have a damn clue about it. Joey told 20 lies at the debate last night, but they weren’t lies in his mind. He can’t keep a thought in his head. CNN fact checked all 20 lies and they were all lies. I guess the week at camp David didn’t help the poor bastard at all.

  7. The truth is there for the public to see the evidence is there and the two MEN CAME FORTH TO START THIS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WITH THIS PRES HIS SON.tHEY GOT TO GREEDY AND THE POWER THAT THEY HAVE TO GET AWAY WITH IT AND STILL MAY ?tHESE DEMS PROTECTING HIM AND THE IMAGE MAKERS MAKING MONEY TO FURTHER THE LIBS CAUSE.mY NEIGHBOR SAYS DO WHAT IT TAKES TO WIN CHEAT LIE ANYTHING TO RUIN THE CHARACTER OF TRUMP ,THAT thEse people go home and sit there in front of there families. satisfied at distorting the truth ,as a job done ,for a honest pay check.


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