What just LEAKED out of Congress is TERRIFYING!



Trump 2024 Save America

GOD BLESS Congressman Burchett!
❤️ TRUMP2024 ❤️


  1. leftists/democrats are all horrible people. biden is a great representative of the democrats. he lies constantly, he is completely corrupt and it he destroying the country.

    all leftist are anarchist and they should be rounded up and shipped to iran.

  2. God bless this Congressman for calling this out for what it is. Why Americans do not understand what is happening in our great country is truly unbelievable to me. Our Congress, the courts, the three letter agencies, the Supreme Court are all rampant with corruption.

  3. I want to know if it is true that Schumer went to the Supreme Court and threaten the justices. If he did this why isn’t he in handcuffs homeland security should pick him up throw behind bars and prosecutive.

  4. They support them because they only watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, and read the Washington Post or N.Y. Times. Most work or go to college and only have the Mainstream Media. The Democrats have control of all these. Only The First News and NEWSMAX explain with pictures and facts. Jesse Kelly and Bill O’Reilly on The First News and Greg Kelly on NEWSMAX. They are the best. I also read NEWSMAX Magazine, IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters. Independent News. So the Mainstream Media used to be trustworthy. I am in my sixties. About fifteen or twenty years ago that changed. Enter Soros(Hungarian Jew), Big Tech, Dr. Fauci, Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Big PHARMA, and the infiltration of public schools and colleges with these Marxist, Socialist, and Communist teachers. And use words like Woke, CRT and DEI to make it sound important. Blame race after a given incident(George Floyd), and have Al Sharpton, The NAACP, Biden, Harris, BLM, Antifa, and Trump haters push the lies. The FBI, DOJ, and transgender confusion, make this confusing. The Left has to blame someone or something in order for it to take shape. Schwab, WHO, WEF, CDC, making it even harder to challenge. China and others have sent their students into our schools and colleges for years. Why is China buying our farmlands? Even our military is being compromised. Criminals being let out of jail, hospitals and ER’s crowded. And the border being intentionally open. Climate lies. This is a lot to go through. That is what needs to be done. Each person has to spend the time, limited time, on the facts. Did not used to be like this. My and others Faith in God are the only true answers. Pray in Jesus Name. Religion has also been confusing. So many. Not all right. That is why each person must Pray in Jesus Name. Then God gives understanding through the Holy Spirit. Can kill the body of the believer. Not the Soul. The unbeliever is bound for hell. That is why the believers witness.

  5. Time to fight back against government tyrrany, we need to defend our country, from these commie dumbocraps,and especially this senile,racist,frail,old incompetent,senile,puppet,phony,cadaver,walking,unstable,mentally,unfit,pretending,illigitimate,phony,leader.


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