Watch Kamala Harris Get Angry as NBC Host Calmly Corrects Her Lie


Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Kamala Harris’ disastrous interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, where he called her out for lying about visiting the border during the migrant crisis.


I don’t understand how anyone can claim that Kamala Harris is intelligent.

She laughs because it reduces the personal impact of her lies


  1. Don’t listen to the Doom-acrats. It’s the party of Doom! She just lied and said she went to the border but did not. Then she admitted she didn’t go to the border and never went to Europe either? WTH

  2. Must tell our country that the Dems are doing exactly what they did with. Obama care pass the bill then read it is the same tactics wait close to the of the elections then dump Biden and push her in before Americans can realize how left wing she really. Is.

  3. We have been heading this direction for 113 years. Every decade we were pushed a little closer to socialism/communism. So on that count, Clinton’s are traitors, Bush is a war criminal / along with Cheney who made millions off the middle east war, Obama who is a muslim, who hates this country and all the white people in it. Trump exposed the corruption as promised. Biden has lied to us for the last 50 years no stop. Kamala Harris (pronounce Camel Hairyass) screwed her way up the ladder of success. Wake up you dumb asses before we lose our country. It’s our government, not theirs.

  4. If an armed person breaks into your home, that person is a criminal and is subject to being shot out of self-defense. If a person, either armed or unarmed breaks into our country, that person IS a criminal. This is the lunatic woman who wants to give incarcerated criminals the right to vote. She wants to give illegal aliens the right to vote. That is the democrat plan to win elections. Flood the country with illegal aliens, then grant them the rights of full citizens. This MUST BE STOPPED!


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