Watch Buttigieg’s Face When Host Laughs In His Face After He Makes This Insane Claim



This is THEFT!!! We need an audit of everything this clown has touched!!

Its not funding for charging stations, its taxpayer money laundering


  1. It would be more impressive if you used proper grammar in your news, but then maybe you would not appeal to your targeted audience.

  2. Pete Buttafuck ewwwww wasnt he arrested recently for public brawling with his husband? pete buttafuck ridin along on his homo endangered species status what a loser

  3. If not introduced THOUGHTFULLY car makers will go out of business and zillions of Detroit jobs both in Factory as well as part suppliers will end!

  4. As a gay man, I’m disgusted the gay community still supports and votes for the liberals despite they like the rest of us ( many who didn’t vote for these bozos) are being played for fools and treated like walking ATM’s for higher and higher taxes all for what, to finance their failed schemes that waste money and don’t benefit anybody other then themselves and their buddies with exclusive privy to the contracts for the projects. Really, these bozos need to get their resumes in order, they’re fired effective November 5th 2024 when the American people vote for the Republicans in a landslide election. After all, they’ve endured 3+ years of the liberals and this should be a no brainer. Maybe voting for the other party for a change mihght stop this BS, couldn’t hurt This isn’t rocket science or requires the brain of Einstein.but plain old common sense, something lacking in many people who unfortunately vote, Who in their mind would vote for 4 more years of the last 3+ years, other than the brainless idiots in California who vote for rhis S**T like clockwork.

  5. Guess pete got caught with his shorts in a twist or down. I’ll let you figure the details out on this. I just can’t stop laughing at this worthless clown (and i’m gay and disgusted our community blindly votes for these bozos like clockwork) and the cadre of stooges in Washington like this fool. You can’t stop laughing at this crap, it’s too damned bizzare to believed but sadly is true.

  6. Buttgig was a lousy Governor, and a total joke as transportation Secretary! He needs to be fired! Biden won’t do it because Obama won’t let him, he needs as many gays in office as possible to further his agenda. The dumb ass can’t even answer a simple question!


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