US Supreme Court Unanimously Overturns Georgia Decision



The judicial system has gone totally mad. Georgia wins the prize.

That poor mother that was murdered. May she rest in peace.


      • You must be a pedojoe biden voter, go take your butt hurt feelings to your safe space and cry like the anti American god hating commie loving beach you are! We don’t need your kind in America. Your support for open borders, child trafficking, pedophiles and killing babies by the hundreds of thousands show us all the type of pos you are! FJB FBA

  1. There are plenty of people that have mental illness. Some are able to get care and do fine. Others are unable, and this is what can happen. This is part of the human condition. There are meds available. Some people do not have the assistance they need. Like a caregiver, medicine manager, or family support. All of these would be great for everyone. With the influx of people from the border, expect more. Unfortunately, the Biden administration, with not much help from Republicans, increased this. Mainstream Media doesn’t help a whole lot. They are more interested in Trump, blaming and lying, then actually a story like this. Our government has a lot of money management issues. So much waste and fraud. Could be helping hiring and training more people, building more drug treatment centers, and allowing way less people coming here illegally. Burdening our system is really not talked about. Hmm!

  2. I commented on the murder of the woman by her son. Let me comment on the ruling on the Trump case. These people are not deserving of being in any position to talk bad about anyone. Integrity, selfless service, honor, respect, loyalty, personal courage. None of that applies. That is just basic. This lady, The Judge, and Fanni Willis should be kicked out of law. Zero accountability. If I missed the point. Sorry.

  3. I did not read that bill but I heard it described in three reports. It seemed to me that it was a way to lock-in 5000 admissions a day. It also appeared to provide so many loopholes that the 5000 number was meaningless. The 5000 number was also said to be “an average”. So they could admit say, 8000 on one day and divide the rest of the following days into groups that would bring the average to 5K per day. Do that in concert, across all border entry facilities? That is not possible. That kind of government operation cannot even be possible.
    I hope someone can reply to this and prove that there is even one program that government can do well. I’m an old man and I have not seen one yet.

  4. On the buying precious metals ad, I have a little to say as well. If I bought “a million” dollars (That’s never going to happen) of precious metals the value will probably be stolen when the digital dollar becomes real. Gold for example, would never be worth anything in the US. Everything you buy will be in worthless digital dollars. It would be a first step for government to collect gold, silver, platinum… for it’s (stockpile) reserve. If that does not increase the reserve enough to back the worthless digital dollar, they can order all gold, silver, platinum … owners to “sell it back” to the government. As if it’s existence means it belongs to them. It has happened before. I get everything you have that equals real money and you depend on government. For those who do not know what “money” is: Precious metals have value. Minted money has value itself. Currency is minted and printed with some “value” that should be tied to the value of precious metals in a nation’s “reserve”. The American currency is no longer based on the gold standard or the silver standard. It has it’s value constantly traded in currency markets. The US has had more value because of it’s link to petroleum. Since our petroleum production is decreasing we are losing our place in world currency value and position. China seems to be within reach of becoming the holder of the premier world currency. I hope we can recover and maintain our position soon.


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