UNHINGED Michelle Obama RAGES Against Voters REJECTING Kamala As Democrats ADMIT Trump Is SURGING!



She says Trump is dodging interviews? Hiding in safe spaces? These people are insane.

She says Trump is dodging interviews? Hiding in safe spaces? These people are insane.


  1. So from the Party of Death a Senator speaks. Then you listen to Micelle Obama BLASTING men. I as a man is now told to vote for the party of Death or my wife and Daughters will be in severe trouble. Well if I listen to the lies spouting v from the party of DEATH my wife and daughters will be in severe straights when they can’t get food to eat, clothes to wear, etc. Yes folks the Lady that opens Two mansions , one in Hawaii and another in MRthas Vinyard. Yes ladies vote your vagina and see where it takes you.

  2. She or it..needs to take that receding hairline, that Adam’s apple, that dark beard and go home to Barack and get back under their rock

  3. I really despise the Obama’s. They are the most racist individuals, and I do not care what they say, their actions have proven it time and time again. He was the worst president for this country. He weakened our military, was a namby pamby president who was weak before other leaders, and did his best to start the destruction of this country! And he is behind what is going on in the WH now!!!!!

    Michelle is just as bad as he is, and she thinks she is better than she actually is!!!! She is a hateful person!

  4. Who cares what moochelle says? She is so racist, while accusing Trump of being racist! The obama’s keep bullying the black voters, trying to force them to vote for commielala. What they REALLY want is obama’s fourth term! They know she is so lame she can’t win, unless they can bully the voters. They are afraid of Trump, he knows too much about them, and they fear he will out them. They are hard at it, rigging the election. If nothing else, they will “ install” commielala like they did Biden. We all see how that worked out. When his usefulness came to an end, they and Piglosi stabbed him in the back and forced him out. Commielala better take note, it can happen to her too. Obama wants walz in the White House, NOT her! We have to stop the Obama agenda, vote TRUMP!!!!!!!’


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