Ukraine will surrender and Zelensky is FINISHED Fmr. U.S. Marine Scott Ritter | Redacted News



The globalists wanted to make a fool out of Russia. But instead, the globalists ended up making fools of themselves. Let that be a lesson.

Zelinsky has become a rich man out of the Ukrainian war …


  1. This is what the Bible says about ALL of this government corruption WORLD WIDE; Jeremiah 10:23 I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him.
    It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.
    Read Luke 4:1-5 in your Bible to find out why this is so.

    • Forget the bible, read the OT, all jehovah DOES is sin, he is the definition of sin. But there is no “sin”, just a made up religious term, and you’d better hope there is no being anything like what is described in the OT. If so, woe to the world, Noah (premeditated murder of nearly the entire planet), Job, Abraham and son, firebombing cities, enjoys bloody sacrifices (Abel, did not like Cain’s crop type sacrifice). Really has it in for first borns’ too, Issac, the Egyptians first borns, even jesus. “devil” is allowed into “paradise”, tricks Adam and Eve, “devil”, the perpetrator is allow to go on his merry way, the “victims”, well out of paradise, and all descendants too, bonus, will increase birthing pain by a huge multiple. Quite a “god” hmm.

  2. and we the fools who let it happen will be paying for joe and zelinsky wealth for 100 years
    and remember to support and vote democrat (LOL)

  3. Instead of the US fighting Russia, Ukraine is doing it for us . They are destroying hugh amounts of Russian military equipment. Russia is being severely set back in its military capability and will take it years to recover. Much cheaper to let Ukraine keep fighting than have US step in.

  4. Just another “professional” that lost one of America’s wars. The truths are always between 2 opposite views. This sounds more like Russian propaganda speech than honest journalism. I want facts and numbers not opinions. I can form my own opinions. I am sick of being told what to think. This is just an opinion. No facts no real journalism. Worthless.


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