Trump SHOCKS WORLD: Confirms DEMOCRAT On Vice President List, She ACCEPTS On LIVE-TV| Unity Ticket?



"I didn't leave the Democratic Party, they left me." Ronald Reagan

Favorite quote from a Trump advisor: "TULSI GABBARD is everything that Nikki Haley can only wish she could be"


  1. I would love to see Tulsi Gabbard as Trump’s choice for VP.
    She would make an excellent President as well, should the
    occasion occur.

    • Tulsi may be a wonderful woman but I do not want her as Trump’s Vice President. In this world we are living in now, the President is going to have to deal with Muslims a great deal. Muslims do not respect women and would not let themselves be dealt with by a woman. It would be a grave mistake. In a perfect world, Tulsi would be OK but not now.

  2. I think Tulsi would be a good choice. She knows what the demonrats are about, CONTROL! Donā€™t forget, ā€œ Kankles Clintonā€ did a major hatchet job ā€œ on Tulsi, accused her of bieng ā€œ a Russian assetā€, when in fact SHE is the Russian asset! She sold billions of dollars of OUR uranium to Russia! That destroyed Tulsiā€™s campaign, which was the plan! The demonrats accuse others of doing what THEY are doing, then lie! Any vote for any demonrat is a vote for the satanic cabal in charge now! Vote MAGA!!! If Trump chooses Tulsi as his running mate, Iā€™m for it, or J.D. Vance. We need a strong ticket to beat the demonrats!

  3. I ike Tulsi I think she would make a gret VP. She has military background and knows how important it is. Sheā€™s very level headed. There are several people that would be great. Tulsi is one.

  4. Tulsi should strongly be considered and I disagree with the woman’s comment about the Muslims. Screw them. In fact, it’d be an “in their face” move. Think about Margaret Thatcher. She took grief from no one.

  5. Don’t worry about Tulsi and the arabs. Trump will take care of them. Knows how to make the art of the deal. We will put her in charge of the border, which she could do in her sleep that the current VP can’t do awake. Besides she doesn’t giggle every time she has to answer.

  6. Tulsi, for President? Why? No thanks. Byron Donalds, I can see as President. He has the fist & know how, to speak his point. A VP is a second away from being President. So, for this VP, it is thinking of the unpredictable future. May Trump live a long, healthy, clear minded, strong life. The USA, needs a man like Trump. But we need a backup man that can take the job running. May God have mercy on us & forgive us for our sins. We are nothing without Christ’s mercy & love.

  7. If you’d like to draw out what remains of the common sense, life long Democrats, this is the Candidate that can unify. I’d vote for her over any of the Rinos. At least she has Loyalty of Convictions, like the other outsider.


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