Trump launches Rapid Response to fight ‘fake news’



I heard that CNN , MSNBC, The View , are getting very NERVOUS

Its a shameful that I have to go to a foreign news in Australia to get honest news about my own country!


  1. Then the liberal in the room says, “Everyone lies.” She then said that President Trump lied about illegals eating cats, which was a lie. As usual, liberals could not say much about anything, if they could not lie. Anyone that knows anything, knows that President Trump has tried his best, more than any other Politician, to keep his promises. While he fought every democrat and a bunch of rinos.

  2. Donald Trump deserves 1600 bullets to the heart for the pain he is causing the world and his hate for black Americans! We have faced more hate than he can ever produce, we have been sharpened and refined by this hate! We will exact every drop of this from his putrid orange infected skin and cast it into the bowels of hell never to be seen or mentioned again!

    • Trump has proven he does not hate blacks. He gave shelter in one of his Trump buildings to a black woman. When he was No. 45, the blacks had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the nation.
      All the hate comes from the Far Left Main Stream News Media. They will always hate Trump for his stand against abortion, his love for Israel, and for his Make America Great Again policy.

    • another stupid liberal too dumb to realize the truth right in front of her eyes, listening to the corupt lies the demos. tell day in and day out, and you know the worst of it, long after they spew out thier lies and garbage they even admitt it was all lies and garbage, get a real life miss hudson, and start facing the truth about your lying presious friends, because in the long run they are causing you to loose sight of the actual truths,..

    • Shame on your sinful, lying, disrespectful, threatening hate! You think because your pigment is burnt, that its ok for your racist, unhinged threats??? God does not like OGLY!!! When you wish harm on someone, it comes back to you…tenfold.


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