Now we need Senate-elect Dave McCormick to claim the win against Casey. I haven’t heard any more on the recount in PA. Schumer won’t accept McCormick in the orientation until the recount is in. As usual, cheating was already caught. The Dems were trying to sneak in illegal votes.
But do We Know WHO the Real President of the USA is now and what is happening with Him and His!! AMAZING America Let us all Pray for Our Country and the World
So we had two Marxist trying to run for president and vice president..Marxist is just a polite term for communist pukes ..and democrats are surprised they didn’t a freedom loving country..?? Even the stupid people here own a dictionary..and this election republicans finally had the vote counters in battleground states watched..doesn’t anyone notice that most all states vote solidly republican except in the major cities where the voting is corrupted by mail in voting?maybe when we go back to paper ballots elections will be completely honest
Now we need Senate-elect Dave McCormick to claim the win against Casey. I haven’t heard any more on the recount in PA. Schumer won’t accept McCormick in the orientation until the recount is in. As usual, cheating was already caught. The Dems were trying to sneak in illegal votes.
is now and what is happening with Him and His!! AMAZING America 

Let us all Pray for Our Country and the World 
But do We Know WHO the Real President of the USA
Go fuck yourselfs
When your a dick, your a DICK !!’
So we had two Marxist trying to run for president and vice president..Marxist is just a polite term for communist pukes ..and democrats are surprised they didn’t a freedom loving country..?? Even the stupid people here own a dictionary..and this election republicans finally had the vote counters in battleground states watched..doesn’t anyone notice that most all states vote solidly republican except in the major cities where the voting is corrupted by mail in voting?maybe when we go back to paper ballots elections will be completely honest