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Trans Activist: ‘God Made Me In HER Image’

Trans Activist: ‘God Made Me In HER Image’



God made everyone in his image. God also knew that all of his children would have their own struggles and sins they would have to deal with and overcome. That doesn’t mean that, in my case, I just accept my predisposition to being an alcoholic and drink on baby! It means we have to recognize our issues and short comings and turn our heart to Him. He is the only one who can help us overcome those demons.

The TRUTH is that we as God fearing Americans should not associate with these people who blaspheme God, for it is written we shall not associate, nor celebrate, nor participate in their evil and perverted lifestyle, for if we do, like the reverend in this clip, we will be dragged down into the depths of hell with them. We should pray for them, that they are healed and the demons cast out of their bodies, but that’s all we can do for them.

Trans Activist: ‘God Made Me in HER Image’ | Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen | 4/1/23

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