This New Movie Trailer Is Explicitly Racist Towards White People



Who else is sick of antiwhteism???

The fact that this movie exists and received any sort of budget… We are so far past political and ideological differences. It’s now simply liars vs truth tellers.


  1. We are subjected to this racial Bulls**t while Confederate statues are being removed everywhere and the N word is terrible unless used only by blacks.

  2. I understand that there are still some racist white people in the world, but films like this give the impression that its more prevalent than it is nowadays. They just serve to keep us divided and promote an unhealthy ideology. I’ll take a pass on this film and those like it.

  3. Makes one wonder why the whites up north bothered to go south and fight to free the slaves for this BS against the same whites that gave them that freedom. Guess that doesn’t matter now. It’s all about what they now want, for free. No accountability for themselves, just what they want. They kill each other and don’t bat a eye at that. But hate whites for what blacks did 150 years ago by selling blacks to whites, While killing each other everyday. One would think they would start to hate themselves for the crimes against themselves instead of other races that don’t care what the hell they think. Most whites don’t care or even give one thought about blacks killing blacks or what they do. It’s the blacks problem they can’t or wont get over this BS. And don’t get me started about what the blacks help do to the NA’s. That’s a different talk show. But yall get my meaning.

  4. This is why the conservative movement has become weak and uninformed. Distractions of no value, pathetic weaklings in Congress, a nominee for President who whines and fund raises. Period. The party of Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan now has Boebert, Greene, Gaetz, Santos. What a waste of time and energy. White racism, the war on Christmas, wake up, conservatives. The GOP is owned by the rich handful and the rest of us are being played. Trump promised overturning Obamacare – nothing, bring back jobs – nothing, tax cuts for the 1% – bingo, while the rest of us are forced to pay. Bring back the real Republican Party before it’s too late.


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