This is the most INSANE tweet ever tweeted.



Trump needs to sue NYC for overpaid taxes not refunded.

If a doctor lies and does things dishonestly he loses his license and may be sued/fired. Why aren’t lawyers held to this standard?


  1. i am getting tired of constantly listening to these right-wingers criticizing the Democrats. They have not the slightest idea as to what they are in for, should Trump win.

    • well you are wrong. see, as compared with your tiny feeble mind, the independents and conservatives remember how much better off we were with trump. Apparently, so do the ex-democrat minorities as the blacks, Hispanics, and Jews are leaving the democrat party in droves.

      as compared with you;
      most of us do not like biden 18% cumulative inflation in 3 years.
      We don’t like the fact biden knew the covid shots were unsafe and ineffective before his speeches.
      we don’t like the fact he left billions in military equipment behind in Afghanistan.
      we do like the border situation ans yes we know the dmeocrats are actively encouraging the illegal aliens.
      we don’t like the democrat ending standardized testing or their choosing not to reward those who work hard.
      We don’t like the fact biden lied about increasing taxes (increased three times so far).
      We do not like the constant corruption of the dmeocrats.
      We don’t like the lies from mayorkas, Garland, Wray, Kerry, Gore, Yellen, and buttingay.
      We don’t like the bidens shell companies getting money from china, ukraine, and India.
      We don’t like the three wars happening because of the dmeocrats weakness.
      We don’t like the democrats corruption of the DOJ, FBI, CDC, FDA, and other governemtn org’s.

      You know what we do like?

      We like the new NAFTA trump negotiated.
      We like the tax incentives to have companies and rich invest in america
      We liked trump trying to riase tarifs on china for their pollution, unsafe factories, and civil rights violations.
      We liked trump telling the other countries to pay their share of the costs of the UN, WHO, and NATO.
      We like Trump cutting back the size of the CDC, FDA, and IRA.

      So, yeah, I think all of the non-democrat nut cases like you know exactly what we are voting for and against. We are voting against nut jobs like you.

      Was that clear enough for you Alexander?

  2. NY AG james is just about as corrupt as you can get.
    first off some of the most expensive rent in the country is on park avenue.
    second the fact that it is that expensive proves it is not rent controlled.
    Third if it were rent controlled there is an agency specifically set up to deal with the land owners about that. they have not contacted trump, and you know they would have, so he is not breaking any laws.

    NY AG James knows all of this. Which means her tweet is defamation of character and she needs to be sued for it. Further she is using her office for an political and illegal purpose which means she should be fired and thrown in prison.


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