The Kamala numbers are in.



Anyone still voting Democrat is beyond salvation

Ive got to disagree with you on Kamala not being able to motivate people. She’s motivated me to go to the polls, and vote for Trump. MAGA 2024


  1. Commielala is SO Phony! No one can be that stupid, or can they? She certainly appears to be! Now she has Obama out there campaigning for his fourth term! He made sure to scold black male voters for not backing her, which shot her in the ass! Keep him out there running his mouth! He will turn more against her! He is too arrogant to see that no one gives a damn what he has to say, it is just the same old lane rhetoric he has always used!

  2. Fake, phony, disgusting, lying, hypocrite, who is is scared to be interviewed because she is a trainwreck, totally unfit for the job, and still a laughing stock, of a clueless woman, that can’t even talk without a teleprompter, because she has no policies, ideas, fixes to inflation, food, gas, housing, nothing, your fired.

  3. People better wake up and realize they can’t vote for a party Harris is not fit to run McDonalds. Vote for your children’s future or we will have Communism. She is not changing a thing. Do you want 4 more yrs of what we had????? NO WAY!!!!!

  4. And yet Dumbo Democrats will vote for her no matter what because they have a severe mental condition- TDS. Springsteen (I just trashed all his music CD’s I had), Swift the demonic fabricated pop star, DeNiro the real scumbag (I have already thrown all his movies in the trash), Cheney the Rino and so many more who have lost all sense between good and evil and have embraced evil.

    • Lots of idiots in America, all Harris has done is repeat herself I was raised in the middle class my mom didn’t buy a house till I was a teenager blah blah blah. But wasn’t her parents both doctors? That’s not normally middle class. Trump will win but she’ll become president because somehow they’ll find the votes they need and they’ll come from the illegal aliens they’ve led into this country

  5. Can we just look at the last 4 years ? Biden and Harris let 12-18 million illegal aliens in our country which is overwhelming the entire infrastructure of our country. Free food , free housing, free medical care, and let Gov Tampoon Tim pay for your college tuition! Runaway inflation , rampant crime … what the hell are people thinking if they vote for this clueless pathetic communist! Please vote to return sanity to our country!

  6. Can we just look at the last 4 years ? Biden and Harris let 12-18 million illegal aliens in our country which is overwhelming the entire infrastructure of our country. Free food , free housing, free medical care, and let Gov Tampoon Tim pay for your college tuition! Runaway inflation , rampant crime … what the hell are people thinking if they vote for this clueless pathetic communist! Please vote to return sanity to our country!

    Do you all Know the Truth about this Guy TRUMpy that he is the Best LIAR EVER in the World and the Rest of the USA and the REPUBLICANistic PARTY 🎊 officially OF Real World 🗺️ FOOLS who are Behind his LIES 💩🕺😱

    • Please get some medication before NOV 5 so you will not be able to vote for our destruction by voting for madam brain dead! It’s bad enough you voted for dementia Joe for the messiah’s 3rd term in our destruction! MORON!

  8. All I ever hear from idiots talking about Trump is a lot of name calling never not one thing he has done to them or to their families..but ev time I go get gas for my car I think of the puss bags in office that cause that…every time I pay for groceries I think of the criminals in office that are responsible for making my family suffer, every time I pay ridiculous insurance premiums no longer based on my driving record, I think about democrat spending to pay off vote counters bribes in order to stay in office…even though I see huge crowds who believe as I do..then the next day i hear they somehow got re-elected..?? ..we can’t allow this stealing anymore


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