‘The Five’ reacts to Trump, Biden border visits



Trump visits one of the hot spots. Biden visits an area that isn’t an issue. Walking around like an old vegetable. Haha good luck democrats!

Maybe Joe can bring the parents of Laken Riley down to the border with him and explain to them what a great job he has done


  1. Why were those Border Agents standing behind Biden?
    To catch him when he fell backwards….
    It’s appeared that they believed every word he was saying ….
    Not a good image for the Border Patrol Agency.

  2. wow biden would not go to the border just as kamala would not go to the border.

    oh but election year now they will go.

    • Nice observation. Pretty easy to see what motivates them and it ain’t doing what is right, but doing what is convenient AND visible to likely voters. Ever wonder why so many go to ‘serve’ in DC and end up millionaires? I am pretty sure it is not off of their salary that makes them so rich, but perhaps insider information given to those who want favors from Congress? I think that pretty much covers the ‘get rich’ quick part.

  3. EARTH to biden: go to your basement and go to sleep — you are of no use to America. It’s like the message they sent you: your visit is TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE …

  4. Sleepy, you don’t need more money to secure the border, you need Trump. He’s done it before with his brain tied behind his back and no extra money. Why can’t you? And by the way, you went to the border where Texas put up a barb wire fence. It’s working, and why are you trying to stop them? Go get yourself an ice cream and think about what you’ve done!


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