The Five’ Goes Insane – Jessica Tarlov Gets Brutal Takedown After ‘Obama’ Opinion



I know The Five needs an opposing side, but Jessica shows how ignorant she really is about politics. Will she ever see the light? I don’t think so.

Pray for the safety of President Trump and his family from these TDS lunatics.


  1. Jessica Tarlov simply isn’t too bright and wears those rose colored glasses where Democrats, Barry Soltero, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and the Rest of His Stupids and Idiots are concerned. Whenever she offers her take on anything “It’s Oh Shits Sake, COMETHEFUCKON WOMAN”

  2. First, I hate Jessica voice, it’s grating. Second, she needs to change her glass to see better. Dementia Joe is senile and can’t even stand on his own two feet. He can’t even complete sentences and remember where he is, his always lost. And this is a president. BULL

  3. Guessing she like most democrats just don’t get it. As much as they cry trump saids bad things, they say worse about trump and anyone that doesn’t vote democrat. The way they rant about others, they have no room to talk about anyone. Specially trump, Their worse then trump. No matter what trump saids, the democrats are twice as bad. Tho they try to convince you their not … they are. Look at the one on here to see my point. Then look at the top dogs in the far left democrat Communist party. Need I say more ???

  4. T D S-I Totally Demented Serial Idiots! The problem with those who show long onset TDS is that it’s engrained and no amount of actual TRUTH can weaken the fools resolve! They are ignorant from a choice! The divide is set and civil war is absolutely necessary!

  5. I thoroughly enjoy hearing both sides of an argument. I like thinking about what I heard. But my response to Jessica, after I unclench my jaw and cease grinding my teeth, is to turn down the volume or change the channel. I am normally an extremely tolerant man, but Jessica strains the bounds of tolerance, assuming that I can regain my broken hearing. Please pardon my crudeness, but she needs to clear her throat. Her phlegm-coated voice is a major distraction. I wonder if the network has heard similar complaints.

  6. If you listen to politicians, they reveal who they really are, but you have to LISTEN and CHECK that they actually do what they said!! You can’t just accept/trust cause, you know, people WILL lie if you let them. I be a democrat/republican or I am just interested in being on the political gravy train….. Actions always speak louder than words. Why do the pols in D.C. keep sending money to Ukraine/Israel/(name your favorite nation that keeps getting funded by D.C.)? Do a little research on how much of that ‘free’ money was sent back to pols in D.C.

  7. Oh, and one other thing, it is a single party, unified in ripping off the so-called tax payers. That is why no matter who gets elected, nothing changes, esp. the ripping off part. Which explains a lot about why both sides really hate Trump; he is actually an outsider to D.C AND he does not need the rip offs as he is independently wealthy. That makes him dangerous to the status quo. And I suspect he is much more aware now after spending 4 years there and then seeing how the 2020 election was rigged to defeat him.

  8. Tarlov’s words: “ . . . . outpacing what the Obama campaign had did in 2011.”
    Even the closed caption uses “had did”. I don’t imagine voters place much credence in this person.

  9. IMO: Obama and Biden are Bums. Bum is far worse than the C or N words, it’s being a worthless human being. One coward walked away from his “line in the sand” and the cries of women and children being raped then sold into slavery in Syria; Biden walked away from US Citizens, our Military and Allies in Afghan! Tarlov appears to be walking away from Democracy, Justice, Liberty and Freedom! Sad, sad fool, IMO.

  10. Trump crimes. He is charged. But has not been convicted. Can say the same about Biden. Difference is, evidence. Thousands of emails and phone calls taking bribes. Written checks. Loans that make no sense. Joe says he knows nothing about Hunters business. Lies. Joe’s brother, sister, and others have gotten rich from foreign governments. Joe and Hunter took flights all over. It wasn’t vacation time. George Soros has paid billions into the Democratic Party. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, NOR, Washington Post, N.Y. Times, all paid to lie about Trump, or hide Joe’s Corruption. FBI, DOJ, all lied to help Biden win the election. Hid Hunters laptop information months before the election. The Computer Store employee was threatened by the FBI to keep his mouth shut. January 6 Committee was a sham. Now hearing the tapes and records are missing or destroyed. Just like Hillary’s email, computer, and thousands of phone calls. Months and months all we hear is January 6. Threat to Democracy. Compared January 6 to “911” and Pearl Harbor. Their is a closer comparison to the riots by BLM, Antifa and others that burned businesses, looted, attacked Police and civilians. Look at the tapes and compare. Those news outlets will not do any of that. The First News and NEWSMAX do. IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters expose it all. Most folks do not know that Judicial Watch has so many lawsuits against the government for election interference and crimes.

  11. There was voter fraud. Observers pushed back. UPS trucks early morning sacks of empty ballots. Witnesses. Thousands of dead people voting. In every state. Some people voted in two states. Trump had no Russian collusion. Hillary and others paid people to lie. Evidence. Whistleblowers have come out against the FBI and DOJ. Others have overheard conversations saying we have to do anything and everything so Trump does not win. All of this. Where is the news on this from Mainstream Media? Trump was well off before. He didn’t need to be President. He did it because he saw the government corruption. Nobody ever exposed it. Biden is part of the corruption. The First News and NEWSMAX show old tapes of Biden corruption and insulting people. Lying about his education. Special interest groups, donors, Soros, and others helped get him elected. News media covered up for him. Pushed lies about Trump. WEF, WHO, CDC, and yes, Dr.Fauci. These globalists want the United States destroyed and turned into a Socialist, Marxist, Communist nation. Let in thousands of illegals. Attack the governors that protect their borders. Sanctuary cities not to happy when they get illegals. Covering up the China virus. Land being purchased in the U.S. by China. Colleges and Universities being infiltrated with indoctrination and CRT. Blaming race. This, in the past, destroys. BLM, Antifa, and others using intimidation and violence. Have leaders encouraging violence. Harris, Walters, Schumer, Pelosi, and others supporting it. Biden giving our oil away. Electric grids already weak, add EV’s and other unreliable stuff. Blaming climate to push their policies. Science. Bunch of this is against Science and common sense. These people think non government people are gullible and stupid. Hiding their intentions. Pretty sickening. Only, they do not know Gods wrath is coming. They are lost. Repent and be Baptized then God gives the Holy Spirit for understanding. Pray in Jesus Name. Not all Religions and Darwanism are right. All think they are. Jails full in every city. Not a gun or race problem. It’s a people problem. Reject Socialism and The Great Rest Globalists.


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