The crowd TURNED ON HER when Tulsi Gabbard called her out on her CRAP!



Joy is so awful . How can people watch her

Person who has served their country for 16 years called names by someone who has only ever served themselves.


  1. Go Tulsi!!!. No contest when she goes up against the ‘View’s’ useful idiots whose combined IQ is smaller than their bra sizes. You must understand that TV shows such as ‘The View’, ‘Morning Joe’, MSNBC, CNN, etc. are all DNC propaganda outlets. They are part of a widespread media campaign put in place to promote DNC and Socialist ideals to a ‘low-information’ audience in an attempt to sway their opinion. DNC staffers are on set at each TV studio to give ‘talking points’ to the hosts before each program. These TV shows are all very carefully choreographed to promote the Commie Democrat agenda.

  2. Glad Tulsi got goofy Behar on live tv! Killary was the one who said Tulsi was a Russian asset, and set out to destroy Tulsi’s campaign, which she did. The hags on the view are SO STUPID, they need explicit directions to find the bathroom! Tulsi is a PATRIOT! She stands FOR our country, the hags on the view are bigoted, anti American, anti semitic, fools, who think their opinions matter! No one cares about their stupid opinions! That farce of a show should be cancelled, and the cows on it blacklisted from tv!

    • Gee Jay please don’t insult jerry Springer. Jerry, jerry, Jerry the audiances used to yell at the beginning of the jerry Springer Show. Jerry would introduce the guests, their proclivity and within 5 minutes the guests would be out in front and a couple minutes later beating the SHIT out of each other throwing furniture and making nasty comments. One thing for sure with this show, it made you thank God your problems were miniscule compared to some of the bizzare guests that appeared on Springer and in the end it was good for a laugh or two. At least Jerry Springer was entertaining in a strange way, and he laughed all the way to the bank and made out like a bandit in the end. But the view, nothing but a rancid rant, stomach turning kvetch of anything conservative and waste of time and intelligence even for a 15 year old by a bunch of rude, loudmouthed, old, tired and expired perpetually on the rag hags that offer nothing but insults and nothing positive or thought provoking. Why this waste of an hour of time hasn’t been cancelled is beyond me and millions of others here. and since it’s on ABC, this is likely the reason.

  3. Only 2 things good about the view and the commies on the show. 1 they are good for nothing and 2 good for lying. Traitors all.

  4. Joy Buthair is a typical JINO! Jew in name only, an Israel hater and one of the most despicable creatures on TV, next to Caryn Johnson aka whoopie goldberg! This entire “show” should be removed from TV!


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