Ted Cruz FINALLY says it.



What happened to not burying other issues in a bill that had nothing to do with the bill? Was that only for McCarthy? Any Republican who signs onto this bill should be voted out of office!!!

It’s not a border bill. It’s a Ukrainian bill.


  1. He is right stop sneaking stuff in that has nothing too do with some thing else the Border has nothing to do with wars except the one we will have here if they do not do some thing about the Border and try reading it before you vote on it

  2. These Rep. traitors like Mitch McConnell need to be gone .Demsnd his resignation ! He is a traitor to the American people! Stop blaming Trump. This is not a border bill this is funneling more money to everything except the border! America we are being played by Democrats and RINO’s! Why is it that Biden & Democrats won’t close the border! It’s mostly military age men. I recently heard a government official estimate the actual amount of migrants is close to 22 million. When your government does not care about securing our borders and putting the cost of supporting millions of undocumented migrants on the taxpayers of America something is not right! Biden has saddled us with billions of student loan debt even after the Supreme Court’s said no he did it anyway! Good luck getting a loan for new students. Why in every bill is he funneling more billions for Ukraine and everything but our border. How do we know where the money really goes? I do not trust one thing that this administration says! Close our border and stop trying to sabatoge America .Demand the resignation of McConnell and stop this senile fool Biden from destroying America!

  3. Biden has weakened the military,made our streets less safe and balooned our population with elligals that are receiving money from tax payers.Have democrats no brains to put this corpse in control of this once great country.

  4. Another words you’d rather have a traitor, I dictator,jailbird to be our president. Oh, I forgot a liar Who is more interesting in building hotels In Russia. he doesn’t give a goddamn about USA at all he only thinks about himself. IF YOU DON’T SEE THAT, I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU

    • traitor? you DO mean joe biden, right ? Dictator I know you mean commissar joe there, liar? hahahaha If joe’s mouth is moving he is lying about something, usually many things in his word salads, only thinks of himself ? absolutely you are referencing joe blow biden there,

    • I’m so glad that people like you comment so we know who the braindead idi0ts are! It’s better that people THINK you’re a dumb@55 than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!

    • Get educated! You can claim to be ignorant because MSM refuses to be truthful about anything. Orange man bad, anything democrat is good. A 6 year old can tell JB is not playing with a full deck. He is corrupt. He is owned by China & taken fortunes from Ukraine. He has sicked his DOJ unlawfully on his political opponent & created new laws & changed old ones trying to bankrupt him & sway his voters. Even daring to prosecute & jail his supporters. This is not American values. It would not be necessary in a free nation. Joe’s corruption knows no bounds & history will not look favorably on his mistreatment of his political opponents. Other countries are horrified by his antics.


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