Steven Crowder Is In DEEP TROUBLE After Leaked VIDEO Goes Viral!



A lot of things to unpack.

1. He lied to us about the DW contract. He said he didn’t care about the money but only about the terms of the contract. Why would he counter for a higher price on the same contract, only to bash it when they didn’t accept? If he cared about the terms, he wouldn’t have made a counter. He would’ve stopped the first time they gave him a contract, right when he saw the terms of the contract.

2. Even his former employees have come out against him. He just did a comedy tour with Dave, and Dave wants nothing to do with him. You could tell after he brought Dave on he seemed envious. Dave was able to make people crack up on command, effortlessly. Crowder wanted to be a comedian so bad but couldn’t hit the mark like Dave. I think he resented Dave for that. Many fans liked Dave and I think he felt like he was sharing the spotlight instead of being the #1 person all the time. He told Dave he owns him. That speaks volumes. About his rage. About his professionalism. About him.

3. I don’t know if you remember, but Steven used to talk so much trash about Gerald live on air some years ago. It actually made me not want to watch it. I remember being bullied for no reason by many people growing up and they would talk exactly how he did. He eventually stopped being so hard on him the past 2 or 3 years, but still acted a certain way. I feel that he again was envious that Gerald is intellectual well-versed.

4. He lied to us again. He said he wanted to stay married to her and it was her that wanted the divorce. If he wanted to stay with her, he would’ve stayed. When she said “I love you”, if she was putting on an act, he would’ve said “You never say that” or “You usually treat me like garbage.” Instead, he said that he doesn’t love her because she’s not doing enough wife-like things. He treated her like a slave. He berated her for not being wifey material, she is trying to go grocery shopping (stereotypical wife activity), and he says she can’t take the car. She then says she’ll get an uber or a ride, and he doesn’t want her to. So he verbally abuses her by telling her she’s not being a good wife because she doesn’t do wife things, and in the same breath restricts her from doing wife things. What the ****? I saw a comment on Rumble that said “You’re the type of abuser that will beat your wife and say LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!”

5. If he cared about the health of the babies, he wouldn’t be smoking around her. I quit smoking after 15 years when my wife got pregnant. You can smell a cigar like 30 feet away and it can make some people nauseous. He also wouldn’t verbally abuse her because stress can harm the babies. It can cause premature birth. It’s not that he didn’t want her driving in case of an accident, he didn’t want to be stuck at home; the same thing he was trying to make her do, be stuck at home. He could’ve bought 4 new cars cash and be fine financially.

6. He claims the victim, but in private, treats her like trash. That’s what Amber Heard did. They could’ve released that video awhile back. It only got released after he played the victim and started dragging his wife through the mud.

7. Every pregnancy is different. My second child wasn’t positioned right. The doctor told us his head was down and that everything was fine. She was having trouble from months 5 – 9 and I had to really step up with helping. I didn’t want to do construction 10 hours a day and do most of the chores after, but I didn’t want the baby to get hurt. It was hard for my wife to move or even bend over. Mrs. Crowder had 2 kids in her and he’s demanding she walk the dogs and give them meds that could damage the babies. My wife quit her vet tech job because they expected her to clean a room full of litter boxes and hold animals for x-rays. Toxoplasmosis can be caught by breathing near a litterbox and can badly damage the kid. We don’t know how hard that specific pregnancy was on her. Some men don’t realize how hard it can be, and he might have thought she was overreacting.

8. He wrote a children’s book and claims it’s a testament to his kids. I believed that until it was said that he didn’t attend their delivery. It sounds more like he made a good book and used them as a selling point.

9. My perspective is he has that old mentality of a husband and wife. She stays home and cleans, cooks, etc. While he grills steaks, smokes cigars, drinks whiskey, and does whatever he wants. Works 8 hours and doesn’t have to put any effort in around the house. She does everything he asks or else she’s not a good wife. Throw in his status as a celebrity and high earnings and he has a God complex. He wants complete control and probably has everything in his name so he can take it away from her if she doesn’t comply with his every demand. I have our house and car in my name, but that was the only way we could’ve got the loans. I never told my wife, not once, that she couldn’t take the car, unless I had to repair it. Even though I’ve made more earnings the past 10 years, she equally put in work through jobs, taking care of the kids, etc. I view everything as 50% mine because I wouldn’t be where I am today without my wife. He should view it the same. She stuck with him even if he made most of the money and probably helped him tremendously. It doesn’t make her a house slave. How could she contribute with work if he wouldn’t even buy her a car? He did that on purpose so she would have to be stuck at home to cook and clean.

10. He lied about Candace Owens. She basically said to pray for him because he’s going through a rough spot. He told us she extorted and blackmailed him.

I actually watched Crowder for years but realized after the DW drama this year, I realized he’s playing us. He tells us one thing, and does the opposite. I almost fell for his lies but snapped out of it. He is very compelling and passionate on his show so I couldn’t see through the BS at first. And no, I stopped watching DW years ago when Ben Shapiro was caught on a hot mic telling the editor to remove a portion of his segment because he didn’t want to upset the advertisers. So I’m not a DW fan boy. You need to snap out of the spell. I made sure to watch every new episode of his and respected him. I didn’t want to believe he was a bad guy. He did a lot for the movement but he revealed his true self.

We may not have both sides of the story but I’m not having my 8 month pregnant wife walk those big dogs and pick up their shit to prove she cares about me. Now if she’s always leaving and you don’t have a way to get around, be a man and resolve it by getting a second car. That’s just not how you speak to a woman carrying your twins. Even if she was wrong, you have to be disciplined enough to navigate the situation in a healthy manner.


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