So, The Trump Trial Opens With A SHOCKING Revelation



Absolutely no chance Trump can get a fair trial. And I cannot believe they won’t let him attend his sons graduation. Disgusting

I am not a Republican, or for that matter a Democrat, but after what the deep state and state media have done to him I will be voting Trump!


  1. The Supreme Court should step in and take over this judicial takeover of the judicial system by the Democrats. My 1st concern is they will keep cheating and aggravating Trump so he loses it so they can murder him in the court. He has absolute immunity and the Supreme court stands to loose their power and position if they don’t step in. These Democrats are going way to far to make sure an already unfair trial is made more lop sided. We stand to loose our USA to these pirates if they don’t. Who would open a business in New York? I’ll bet big business interest is getting ready to make waves out of New York.

    • If a President has “absolute immunity,” as stated above, then the day the SCOTUS so rules, what besides his own decency is to prevent Biden from arresting rival Trump, along with congressmen who begin impeachment proceedings, or justices considering action against anything else he cares to do to perpetuate his and Democratic Party rule?

      Isn’t immunity a blank check for 1-party rule on either side of the aisle?

  2. The democrats and left wingers are out of control. Corruption in the courts and DA. A real killer is treated better than Trump who didn’t hurt anyone, whereas a person killing people is free

    • Because Trump is not a Democrat. Democrats are turning this judicial system into a Communist Marxist System! They only see the the laws on a one sided two tier system. It is not justice it is Communist and the moron Democrats who are voting for Democrats are helping the Obama/Biden Communist Party of America destroy this country.

  3. With all of the unconstitutionalities mentioned in this trial, how is it
    that the Supreme Court of the US does not step in and stop it? And
    how is the judge allowed to himself, break the law?

  4. I am not sure if the Supreme court can step in. I think it may that they must let the trial finish and find out what the verdict is before they can step in! That is what I am thinking, if it was that easy, the Supreme Court would have stopped this sham of a trial, long before now!

  5. Well Fred, You should be gaged also. Biden has used his positions as V.P. and more as President, to do corrupt things that other people would be arrested for. I think Biden should be impeached for having classified documents, when he was a Vice President. I think Biden should also be impeached for allowing unsafe people cross our boarders, and for flying them in also. All citizens have to pay more because Biden is giving the illegals money for food and rent and giving them a free pass to murder and rape. Biden does not care about U.S. Citizens, true Americans are loosing their jobs to undocumented workers for less the 1/2 the pay
    You Fred, should be in jail for not caring about America. I was in the service in the Viet-nam conflict. I bet you have done SHIT FARTS (your sharts) for your country. You should be deported with all the other illegals who give a shit for this country.

  6. WELL AMERICA, WELCOME TO DONALD TRUMP’S REALITY WORLD!..TRUMP IS A CRIMINAL AND SHOULD BE TREATED AS SUCH. BUT N-O-O, He’s getting special treatment because he sat in twh. And guess what, he’s manipulating our Judiciary System like a baby needing their bottle. Pure and simple, he’s prolonging his criminal tactics to delay, delay, and delay. But B-A-B-Y..Karma is wrapped around everything he does to escape jail time. Anybody supports Donald J. Trump has no morals or respect for themselves or OUR COUNTRY’S U.S. CONSTITUTION..TROUBLING! AMERICA NEEDS JESUS!


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