Senator Rand Paul SLAMS Senators during RFK, Jr. hearing | Redacted News



Those Senators confirmed a Supreme Court Justice that has no idea what a woman is.

Love Rand Paul


  1. First of all, why are you all talking about who must be mandated to comply with shots and who must not, and according to who’s ‘opinion’ that would be? What your all missing is that government has been given NO delegated authority to mandate what people do with their bodies. THAT’S THE ONLY BOTTOM LINE to be considered. The constitution is the “supreme Law of the Land”, Article 6. cl. 2. That means that UNLESS the federal US ( Congress ) laws coincide with the const. THEY DON”T STAND. The people are NOT FREE if 500 some people in Congress can run roughshod over the rest of us 330 some odd million people. Folks that’s not even the ‘democracy’ they all parrot in Washington, but don’t even follow!!!!. A democracy is where a majority rules in favor of a minority!!!!! SO, the founders NEVER gave the federal government ( Congress ) ANY Authority to tell their creators, the people, how they MUST treat their health or bodies, etc. There is NO PROVISION in the const. that allows such unabashed actions of tyranny. If you find the explicit language within, then let me know where that is!!
    And anything LESS then specifically expressed black letter law language that allows congress to demand shots or any other health mandates at all for people, is not to be recognized. Just see Amendment 10 and what it clearly states!!!!
    And COngress cannot constitutionally supercede that is limitationally delegated to them, with their own ideas of taking control where it was never given them to do!!!!! They cannot still attempt to tell the people they can write laws for shots above and beyond their LIMITED authority. Unless that specific authority is the BLACK Letter of the law found in Article 1, they simply don’t have it.
    So, the debate isn’t about who SHOULD or SHOULD not get the shots, —the question is “DOES THE CONSTITUTION MAKE SHOTS MANDATORY FOR THE PEOPLE IN ANY WAY?” And, simply, under the express language rule of any contract, whatsoever, it DOES NOT. End of story. We look at the constitution for it’s express language. What begins our search, also is the ending of the matter, as we investigate the language and only the language within. If it’s not there, then NO AUTHORITY IS GIVEN!!! It’s very simple.
    If you all and the ordinary people understand that the const. is a trust type contract/compact between the people ( read the preamble ) and the gov. elected, in USA corporation ( Bouvier’s law 1846) and that if those gov. elected attempt to claim powers not ANYWHERE referenced on the people’s constitution as part of their authority or within their domain, they are usurping powers, have violated the rules of the contract of trust and are treasonous to the people, who, from day 1, have held the constituional contract. You all make this WAY TOO complicated to argue any OTHER THING.
    You all know that TRump says he’s taking the Panama Canal back. Why? Because the Pandamanian’s have violated the contract. In other words they breached it’s terms. Therefore, when the US calls them on the carpet for this breach, then the US can cancel the contract. It’s the very same foundational argument with the public servants’ breaches to the const. contract made by those in office who took an oath to support and defend, but instead tried to assume powers they never had. We, the people, are in the position, as contract holders, to move on a breach of contract, and in this case those ‘breaches’ are SO MANY, and are serious enough to carry a penalty of treasoin against the people ( on so many levels over the decades.
    You people believe you should run to your congressmen and women, begging for them to please save us all. They’re part of the very body of men and women who have made these ‘laws’ that are unconstitutional. Do you really believe they will stand in our corner, when it’s their voting record as a whole that attempts to take powers not given and silence us, force shots upon us and curtail our God-given rights every day of the year? It’s the people themselves who are the contract holders. The Congress is breaking the constitutional contract they sworn to defend. So, it falls to the people to recall them or file suits to the supreme Court that center on their invasion of rights they NEVER had power to take from us all. I sure hope you can see the simplicity of how things actually work.
    Now, NO Attorney, who works for the State or US ( as they all sign on to when they become an LLC or PC, is going to tell you this is the correct path. But you must consider who he/she is truly working for. THey will attempt to persuade you/us we are powerless against gov. But, according to the history and our very own preamble, we are the contract holders they are obligded to truly work for and UNDER, accirding to the express provisions we set forth for them, before they VOLUNTARILY took the oath of office. You all better think on this truth, because Trump can’t save us all. Just like our founders, we might have to finally do something for ourselves. Call them on the breach of Const. contract. That’s our role in this whole thing, and it always has been. We are just too immersed in their acclaimed ‘stance’ of power to see that the ’emperor has no clothes’!!!!


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