Sen. Kennedy: We’re as serious as a heart attack about this



Refreshing listening to someone with common sense. Thanks Senator Kennedy.

Gotta love this guy keep going senator Kennedy


  1. You are probably missing the most important part of what is NOW beginning. Please pay close attention. Perhaps this is your last chance to begin the process of waking up.

    This is the warning that Jesus gave us; Matt 24:21 for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. 22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

    Pretty clear, isn’t it…. BUT, this other verse makes it MUCH clearer;
    Acts 7:11 But a famine came on all of Egypt and Caʹnaan, yes, a great tribulation, and our forefathers could not find anything to eat.

    This is when Joseph was in Egypt and corresponded to the dreams the Pharaoh had and which Joseph told him what they meant. The history of the world at that time tells of massive starvation and many tribes of people moving south to find food, and endless warfare over food.

    Now put that into perspective today with our modern weapons. And think about the nuclear power plants that are in the north. What happens when the people abandon them to search for food? The end is then HERE. Timeline to Global Food Shortages & Extreme Weather 2018-2025
    Speaking of being clueless….. What is coming NOW was spoken of in the Bible; it is called the Great Tribulation (Matt 24:21, 22), and we were told EXACTLY what this means. Acts 7:11 But a famine came on all of Egypt and Caʹnaan, yes, a great tribulation, and our forefathers could not find anything to eat. 12 But Jacob heard that there were food supplies in Egypt, and he sent our forefathers out the first time.
    The same will be true this time as well. There will be food BUT only for those who are obedient to Jesus NOW. The first G.T. was during a GREAT Solar Minimum, and this one will be worse; much worse. How do we know this? Jesus himself said that in this very, very close Great Tribulation, no flesh would be saved unless he (Jesus) acted and terminated this system of things. This is also a clear message that Jesus is now active on this earth (ALL of John 17) in preparation for the end. If you want to know more, please ask here or privately using my email. All information I can provide is always free; rich515151@

  2. Yep, the signs of the last days are becoming more apparent day by day. Some may not believe that but they should read the last book of the bible that describes in detail what is going to happen to this country and this earth – God will follow through with what his word has been in the bible. When God gets fed up and I think he already is, it will be a horrible time to be living.


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