Screaming Joe Only Just Found This Out – Hillary Conspiracies on MSNBC



Their Hypocrisy knows NO BOUNDS!

Why do they bring her out. SHE IS THE REASON WE HAVE TRUMP. and they have TDS


  1. Killary is stupid! She thinks pro life believers are cruel! ABORTION is beyond cruel, it is evil, against God, and it is a demented proceedure! To rip a baby apart in the womb, shred it, because it is “ inconvenient” to the woman is ghoulish! Every one who is pro abortion should be forced to watch an abortion bieng performed! But those idiots would probably dance about cheering! How about making birth control more affordable, better yet, why not refuse to have unprotected sex? There are many ways to keep from getting pregnant, but most women are too damned lazy or ignorant to use them. Killary has earned the name killary, because of her stance. She is another ignorant “ projector”, shoving HER ideas down everyone’s throat! Stfu you old bag, no one cares what you have to say! You are irrelevant!

  2. If Trump is killed I truly believe there is going to be a second Revolution in this country…the new capital is going to be in Idaho.

    • Revolution? With AR-15s? Ever heard of an Apache Helicopter?
      The M61A1 Vulcan cannon is a six-barrel 20mm weapon capable of firing 6,000 rounds per minute. The Ah-64 Apache carries a 30 mm (1.18 in) M230 chain gun capable of firing 10 rounds per second.
      How many helicopters do you have? You’re gonna need more than one.

      • The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.
        In addition, many military members would view the use of force against Americans as an unlawful order and refuse to carry out such orders.

  3. When I wake up in the morning and I hear Hildabeast Clinton has died it will be a glorious time in this country! For all the corruption she has done and has gotten away with it’s disgusting. She has gotten one free pass after another but she claims President Trump should be charged with election interference!!! Is she freakin kidding me!!! She keeps rattling her ugly mouth about what President Trump should be charged and convicted of and they can’t prove a damn thing! Hildabeast and her whore dog Slick Willie should fade into the sunset and never show their ugly faces again. Just a little info to all those who are concerned… they are grooming their daughter Chelsea to make her way into our government so we have to put up with yet another Clinton.


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