Scott Jennings FIRES BACK at Black Liberals Criticizing Pete Hegseth



The people saying Pete Hegseth isn’t fit for office are the same people that said a DEI hire was fit to be president.

As a former infantry captain with 2 bronze stars (one for valor under fire), I can’t believe how defamatory this is. These people are so arrogant and ignorant and can’t even change a tire let alone lead men in combat. One lady said he has no managerial experience. Huh??? Does she know how much more advanced and trained on leading and managing resources compared to these pencil pushers? It’s mind blowing, these leaders are the best we have. They cry when they need protection and answers, but then shit on us when it’s convenient. I’m at a loss for words.


    • Lincoln used the military against the citizens in the South. Bill Clinton used the military against the citizens in Waco Texas and the Gestapo killed 2 in Ruby Ridge Idaho. The gov’t. blew up the Murrah building in Oklahoma city, killing 183 more only two years later. what did most of us hear? crickets. Keep dividing, you racist nut cases, but stay in your blue crime ridden states & cities.

  1. We the Democrats are in the opposition now, we are the critics now. Let’s see what you Maga Maggots VERMINS, HATEFUL PIECES OF SHIT. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO STEER THE SHIP NOW 🚢 ASSHOLES, WE ARE WATCHING YOUR EVERY MOVE NOW.

      • and the JOY ! “they own nothing (in their skull) and are happy”. How many blacks did the White supremacist shoot in Chicago this past weekend? This next weekend will be a long one. I might join them, I am not busy, I got no other plans…. people that do not own property (dead or alive), should NOT be allowed to vote on who spends MY TAXES.

    • Look at your post. OMG! You are calling MAGA people maggot vermin and hateful pieces of shit? I think someone would be hard pressed to find anyone more hateful than YOU. 🤦

      • and call me, IF you can’t figure out how the gravity part comes into play. I will help you, to NOT fail (for once in your life).

  2. Good video, you capture the hypocrisy that these people pull out when the want to defame anyone of the other party. But it comes across as SOUR GRAPES. Fine work.

  3. The position of the Secretary of Defense demands more than merely being a decorated officer in the army. The DOD is the largest department in the federal government and has the largest budget. The Secretary of Defense must, above all else, be a competent manager of such a large agency. So far, I haven’t seen that Hegseth has any serious senior managerial experience. All I see, is that he is loyal to Trump. That is not a qualifying resume for such a senior position in the federal government.

    • how do you “feel” about the communist, half breed from Kenya, that has a defective birth certificate, being allowed to run for POTUS? Got no info on his background. Got no proof that he isn’t married to a male gorilla. School transcripts, anyone who sat next to him in class”, for how many years ? we don’t know

  4. You must be an American citizen before you have the right to vote in America . You also can’t be a convicted felon. Probably should have a drivers license and a primary address. If you meet this criteria then I would imagine they will let you vote .

    • I believe, socialist Amerika went way off the beaten path, in 1965. That is when you didn’t have to own property to vote. YOU could vote for someone (thief) to take from the workers, to give to the lazy. That is called socialism. IT usually ends in mass murder. Amerika will be no different. Prepare, IT is coming. The animals have escaped the zoo. Bad judges have let others out of the jails.

  5. So Hegseth has a tattoo! B.F.D.! It doesn’t mean he is a “ white supremacist”! All those calling him that are which color? Color should NOT dictate who should be in an office! Hegseth has twenty years experience in the military, has TWO bronze stars! He is more than qualified for the office! All those speaking out against him have NEVER been in combat, have probably never been in the military, have NO idea what qualifications are required for the office! The more they speak against him, the more people believe he is the right choice! Same for Tulsi Gabbard, RFK jr., and others Trump has chosen. He wants a cabinet who will work FOR our country, not against it! Give the man a chance, you may be surprised at how well he will do.

  6. What made this news person an authority on the military? And to the guy who calls us maga maggots. I am completely honored to be one!! Thank you!!


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