San Francisco Store Does The Unthinkable To Stop Shoplifting Epidemic



Something about chopping hands for theft should be considered to stop it.

Lock the door everytime a customer comes in. They can’t get out unless you unlock it. There, no more stealing!


  1. What is the Bible’s message for TODAY? The Bible answers this easily; John 3:36 The one who exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; the one who disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him. — Jesus has been given ALL authority; Matt 28:18 Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. And Jesus is now ruling as our king; think about this; what happens to those who disobey a king? Who could give such authority to Jesus? Only Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) can do so. By-the-way, Jesus translates as “Jehovah is salvation.” If you have questions, please ask, or email ([email protected] OR [email protected]) me for answers. I can also direct you to an online Bible study course that is free and where you can learn about Almighty God and His Holy Name in all 7,000 places it belongs in the Bible.

  2. All democrat run cities are $hit holes but san francisco is the cess pool they are drain into. Dan Francisco has 40% retail space vacancy. california state wide has an 30% retails space vacancy. California is a dying state. if biden was not sending them massive aid the state would be dead.

    Why is california dying? democrat policies.

    • Totally correct: democrat policies, then really ignorant followers who will vote for them, and disastrous policies…. for a century. The definition of stupid: doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a DIFFERENT RESULT. The left only leads under the agenda of more/total power and steal as much taxpayer dollars as possible.

  3. Along with Chicago, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New York to name a few more. All Dying. Because of this the United States is dying.

    • Yes, More than 2 years ago, I watched a video, “Seattle is dying”. When talking about the total destruction of these GREAT CITIES AND STATES, it is intentional, as the far left political party wants total power/one party rule, and steal as much money from taxpayers as possible. And, the ignorant voter has continued to elect them, buying into their propaganda that it is due to: “climate change”, “racism, sexism, etc.”, Republicans, the previous political administration, anti-semitism, etc. Our founders were very aware of the corruption of large over-powering gov’t, with our Constitution, Bill of rights; and law and order. The left political has never honored them; even as they take an oath of office to do so. Sad.

  4. A cesspool of leaders? Absolutely. And sadly, they are all Democrats.

    In Seattle Washington, the city leaders agreed to pay their promoters and rioters of the May riots millions of dollars. Excuse me? That’s right. They paid the people who broke the law, damage property, disrupted the lives of tens of thousands of people and cause fear and havoc in the city. Why? Because not enough far is John to Cual relationships between the BLM & the police. For their horrendous acts, they were saved millions of taxpayer dollars, and walked away summing their noses at the city of Seattle.

    I live in Cleveland Ohio. For some reason or other, I couldn’t find a job in my chosen career filled. Perhaps, because the younger people felt I would be a threat due to my knowledge, experience and credentials. Regardless, I took some part-time and full-time work in factories. Most of the people in those factories were black African Americans. While working at Amazon, about 20% of the women there had their jobs simply because it was required that they have at least a part-time job so that they could receive benefits from a program which would put them into a rent free apartment in the beautiful Shaker Square area, and, provide daycare services for their child. All they had to do was have a part-time job and enroll in a class to further their education. So they attended some business school, where the classes were paid for by the federal government because they were under privileged minorities. Mama was still able to collect food stamps and certain welfare benefits because she was a woman with a child. The children are being taken care of by grandma or a sister or cousin who establish Danielle legal daycare center. And then, mama, who was making $15 an hour at Amazon and working 24 hours a week had her money to spend on salon nails and hair, cheap bling and pretty clothes. All in order to keep her man, the babies daddy, happy. Daddy, on the other hand, worked a full-time job at $16 an hour. He had no rent to pay since he was Shaq and up with his baby‘s mama and didn’t have to buy food. So, he had money to take her out, buy fancy shoes, a gun and drugs. And if mama got pregnant again, just more money would roll Lynn for grandma and mom, in the way of food stamps and child care. and some of those daddies are very smart. They become a minister of their own church, and go in with five other guys who are ministers of their own church, to run some closed up storefront that’s uninhabitable. They write checks to the church for 100% of their income and therefore are able to claim it as a taxi duction so they get back all the tax money that was withheld. Tax money that would otherwise support welfare, education and child care programs as babies mom I was benefiting from. I worked a part-time job at Amazon. It was important to me to work because I needed the money then. But if they found out they had too many people, guess who was the first ones to put their hands up so they can go home? Yep, all those mamas with babies.

    I knew the admission Director of one of those schools, and a teacher at another one who both confirmed the stories to me. I worked with the individuals and so I know how many of them there are out there in the workplace. Through my investigations in my work, I found out just how many African-American Dowdys aren’t taking care of their children by marrying mommy so that they could reap the benefits of all the programs. And I was told by several social workers about the scam with the fake churches. I blacks shoot more blacks than whites do. Blacks use the system more than whites do. If black lives really mattered, why don’t they matter to the blacks?

    I am not a prejudiced person. A poor black family who is struggling to get by will always get my help. And a black family that has made some thing of them selves, will always get my admiration and respect. From African-American teachers to doctors, from lawyers to hard-working city workers. What a family that uses the system, gathers together and riots claiming unfair treatment and then is compensated by the government of the city, that just doesn’t fly with me. And as long as it exists, there will be tension between whites and blacks as well as from those who have and those who do not.

    As for the Democrats and their stand on illegal immigrants, what gives any party the right to ignore the laws of the United States regarding immigration. There is only one thing that the United States of America owes to refugees: safe harbor. We do not owe them a home, we do not owe them welfare, we do not owe them medical care, we do not owe them close on their backs, we do not owe them food. The church will take care of the people as so directed by Jesus Christ. But the government does not owe illegal aliens anything else. And it is only legal immigrants that are entitled to safe Harbor.

    Finally, while the Democratic federal welfare programs in their current state are deplorable, so does it stand on abortion. It is for that one single reason I could not vote for Biden. That, along with the fact that the Democratic Party supported the uprising and rioting through a program called code below. What kind of leaders support anarchy?

    The republican party on the other hand, seems to have lost its mind. Donald Trump is just a bad man. He is arrogant, insufferable, selfish, self-centered, thoughtless and ungodly. His own cousin wrote a book about him, knowing how he was brought up, the ideals and morals pasa onto him by his father. He was to never show a sign of weakness otherwise he would lose standing in his father site. He was to use other people to gain power and wealth. Here associates power and wealth together. He has failed at business ventures, used people. I didn’t like him before he was president , I didn’t like him when he had his stupid show on, I didn’t like him before he was famous. And I know things about him even before his wealth was known to others.

    I’m left with no one to vote for. Republicans call for unity yet they’re sowing seeds of disharmony. Democrats are calling for those who will blindly follow, to follow them. We need to be rid of the party system. Then, cities, counties, states and the federal government will run once again for the people, by the people and with the people.

    Again, I’m not slamming all African-Americans. My prejudice is against ignorance. My distaste is for those who use the system. It doesn’t matter why they are white, or black, red, yellow or anything in between.

  5. Kansas has a cesspool of liberals, destroying Kansas city’s dying. Also and we keep voting in this pro transgender governors that hate normal straight people

  6. With all the above comments one would think that come Nov no America hating liberal socialist democrat will be elected or re-elected! Or is it wishful thinking? I pray not & that the results will be full control of the house & senate, & if not I pray for my grandkids & all grandkids since I am near the end & do not want them to suffer when I am gone! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  7. Democrats seek power, total control and wealth at the expense of every American citizen. The welfare crowd doesn’t understand that once the Democrats gain complete control, their behinds are in for a really huge surprise. After the welfare crowd destroys the middle class which is mostly white, they will no longer be needed. They will be allowed to kill them selves by any means they can come up with. Drugs, disease, starvation, black on black murder and police. Once the money starts to flow just to the Democrats, anything causing a loss will be eliminated. The Army and the police will be given free range of action to put down any threats or problems. BLM and such organizations will basically be shot on sight for doing what they are currently allowed do. When it’s all over most blacks, gays, transgenders will wish it was 1860 again. They will have aided the Democrats in removing the very people that had been their true protection. From annihilation by a government looking for production and controlling a work force that does not create problems. These people don’t grasp what can and will happen when forces are not in balance.
    A good example of this is in Africa where countries had been developed by whites. They had roads, railways, schools, hospitals, industries and peace. The blacks got upset about the white race being in charge and forced their way into power. The blacks began tribal warfare on each other. The infrastructure went to pieces, food production almost destroyed. They now survive on welfare from around the world. They still hate the whites who feed them and still continue tribalism and murder each other. Some people just need to be sent back home and a wall built around Africa. They can be as corrupt, murder each other and do it on their own dime.


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