PROTESTERS EXPOSED: Who’s bankrolling anti-Israel demonstrations



Now investigate Socialist Alliance.

God bless Israel


  1. Soros should lose his u.s. citizenship and be deported back to Hungary to face charges for war crimes he did! He is a Nazi traitor and should be prosecuted! And deport his whole family! They are anti semitic and anti American traitors! The have NO place in our country!

  2. The students who want to learn should boycott these universities for not doing anything. I would bet once you hurt their bottom dollar it would be a different narrative. This is ridiculous of the university to sit by with their thumbs up their bums acting like they can’t control this bull hockey

  3. The protestors don’t want to have conversation about this with anyone. Why would they? The last thing they want is a debate on the merits. Most of them don’t know 2 bits of information about current “Palestine” and certainly have no historical information to debate. They want to shout others down, scream and yell their ill-informed nonsense. This is all about CONTROL. Their agenda is to shut down campuses, disrupt peoples lives and try to maintain some sort of relevancy. Let’s face the truth- if the school’s “professors” weren’t part of it, and the administrators weren’t part of it, this would have ended long ago. They want CONTROL. They will accuse conservative minded people of being NAZIs, but it is them who are 100% emulating the NAZI’s in their rise to power. If parents across the world stopped paying their tuition bills until this garbage went away, it would end next week. My kids will never attend any of these woke propagandist machines.

  4. These mobs are such cowards they cover their faces. Why? Because they don’t want to be exposed in the regular lives. Expose every one of them. Shine a bright light and evil will have no place to fester. These communists want to act like terrorists, but then go home and pretend to be part of a civil society, that is until they get another chance to get paid to be terrorists. Sooner or later, the sun will shine on your dark covered faces.

  5. Israel also is to be blamed. They have treated them very badly . Israel keeps on controlling more & more land & keeps on bringing more jews !
    Israel has destroyed their houses , olive trees , put small kids in jail
    Think about your kids in jail !!!


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