PREPARE: Kyle Rittenhouse Predicts Riots Soon



I’ve nothing but respect for this young man . Prayers

I live a town over from Kenosha. The town Kyle grew up in of Antioch, Illinois. When I heard what was going on, I really thought to myself there should be more patriots out there patrolling the streets. Kyle saw the National Guard weren’t doing shit, took action and ended up having to make a difficult decision. He took out the trash that night.


    • It beats listening to that racist thieving sociologist pos in the White House!!You must went to school with him. What was it Cambridge? Oxford? After all he went to and taught at every major institution of higher learning and as your writing shows just like his speeches you both are dumb as dog shit!! Go back down to you your aunt Ethel’s basement and eat your chicken and waffles.

    • well We know who will be rioting! Are the democrats paying you directly or is it through the soros “at any cost” organization?

      P.S. dumbass an un-empowered individual can not be a fascist. you do not even knwo what the crap you spew means.

      you know who was the fascist that night? the rioters being paid by soros and the democrat party. you are just a stupid child.

  1. An ar15 is not a weapon of war. An M16 is a weapon of war. An ar15 and a 22 rifle are the same, one pull on the trigger 1 bullet leaves the rifle.

    • Same as a .223 caliber in a semi-auto platform, like the Rugar Mini-14. They just don’t look so intimidating to the liberal,anti-gun, so called “woke” idiots who think if there were no guns, there wouldn’t be any killing. I guess they never thought the undeducated criminals who prey on unarmed victims would just give up their guns and ask for someone else’s money.

    • yup, you are correct, well except you can get AR15’s in other calibers. it is definitely one pull one round.

  2. I hunt with a mini-14 but my home defense is a full auto BB gun at 425fps and each clip holds 50 BBs and if out of BBs, it’s a 16 ga shotgun

  3. I completely agree with Kyle.

    The sleazy corrupt democraps have tried everything to get trump off the stage. Trump just gets more popular with every sleazy move they make. so they will now try to scare us into voting for the leftists by paying rioters to riot. just like in 2019 and 2020.

    They will also release another virus to allow them to push for all paper ballots. they love paper ballots because as soon as you separate the ballot from the envelope you can toss the ballot and replace it will pre-filled printed ballots like the ones found by the cyber ninja’s.

  4. I initially believed the Democrats wanted to disarm Republicans, along with vilifying the police to neuter their effectiveness and give blue cities the excuse to order them to not initiate, so the “intentional” rioters would not be at risk of injury while burning down whatever or assaulting people. I still believe this since there are lawyers within the mob at the riots and if video were available could identify the players or identify the consistency they appeared in riots. The DOJ should have been doing that. What happened to the video of police breaking down how the riot formed?


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