Police Outraged as Chicago Decides to Stop Using This Crime Fighting Tool



At least there are rational folks in Chicago speaking up in favor of police. That was refreshing

They are sticking their fingers in their ears, shutting their eyes, and singing “It’s a small world after all” just so they can say there is less crime happening in their city.


  1. I’m surprised the Shot Spotter technology was ever necessary. The police already know the areas where gunshots are most likely.

  2. Its amazing how stupid people can be when you had a Democratic mayor who did nothing for the citizens of her city and then vote another Democrat into the same office,people need to wake up and stop voting for Democrats

  3. He’s black and a democrat, how much more corrupt can he get. Yall forget he’s there for a reason. And it’s not for the citizens of Chicago. He’s a puppet put in place cause he’s a boot licker and will do what ever the far left democrat want, as long as their willing to pay. Right now that’s the reason for all the blacks in our government. Their not there to help us the people. One would think he might of been thinking of helping blacks in Chicago. Just like we all though obama would help us. But like all others working in a democrat government they didn’t do crap for anyone but themselves. They followed the money trail of the white masters in the democrat government. Remember ??? If you don’t vote for me , your not black. That alone should of told yall all yall needed to know about any of them. So corrupt so called black leader do what their masters say to do. Just look at all of them in the far left Communist democrat party, and how bad bad things got since they were hired in the democrat government. I don’t think I need to tell yall , ya can see for ya selfs. But only if ya really want to know.

  4. there should be cases of overcharged 9mm ammo on every corner for free, after a few of them lose a hand and a piece of face, crime would drop rapidly, of course there would have to be a butt-load of incarcerated cripples in every jail for a LOOOOOOOONG WHILE


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