Pelosi SNAPS At Top Democrat, CAUGHT On Camera After Kamala Loss | BLAMES Biden For Trump LANDSLIDE



She needs to be put in prison for setting up Trump and his supporters on J6

The Dems haven’t been this mad since Lincoln abolished slavery


  1. So good to see old nanny goat melting down! Now, investigate her set up of the January 6th fiasco. She set it up so she could impeach Trump! But—- it backfired! And with Trump being the president elect, and republicans holding control of congress and a majority in the senate, she will be crying in her wine even more! She should be investigated for insider trading, by her telling her husband what stocks to buy. That should be investigated.

  2. I agree with BOTH of you….time to pay the piper!!!! All the ones involved in the wrongful suits against President Trump also need to go down!!!!

  3. when will people realize the far Left has caused this upheaval & madness for the 10years they’ve been after Trump. Pelosi, it’s time to retire, you old goat (p.s. I’m 80. so I know what I’m talking about!)

  4. It’s time for Nancy Pelosi to pay the price for all her corruption and all her controlling people’s lives and spending all taxpayers dollars she should be held for treason and be either put away or put to death if there’s anyone that deserves to be put to death it’s Nancy Pelosi for getting people killed January 6th she was completely behind that she’s been completely behind everything that is evil she needs to pay the price

  5. Talk about crazy uneducated women. Can’t bet any stupider then these so called females. After 4 years of lies and corruption. They have the balls to try to call anyone out. Yet they try to prove some kind of honor. They have no honor or integrity and it shows on their faces.


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