omg… CNN just ANNIHILATED Kamala Harris’ campaign!!



She has no place in any public office, least of all POTUS.

FJB! FKH! Make this country sane again.


  1. That means raiseing her skirt, going on her knees, all while taking government credit card and shopping on the tax payers, our money, she is a tell me and I will do it for money.

  2. It really a SHAME that the Dummy-crats don’t have anyone in their PARTY that they can Champion behind..!! Butt, in the same fraze of mind , they are Radical Commies..!! Party of lies & deceit & slavery..

  3. Cackling Kammy is a total airhead, a twit, and an idiot. She has no business being our president. Trump will mop the floor with her in a debate. Her abject stupidity will come out in the open just like dopey Joe’s senility did.

    • Wake up and look around and see what is going on in the country today,millions of illegals being catered to while our own citizens suffer,the economy in shambles,we are on the brink of WWIII,it has nothing to do with being racist it all has to do with a corrupt,anti-american administration that has put America last

  4. I’m a Democrat but I would never vote for Kamala. Based on everything she said and everything she failed to do, she simply isn’t qualified.

  5. The democrats have a very big task trying to thread a Kamal through the eye of a needle. Everyone realizes that Kamal is just not fit for leadership in the most important position of our country.

  6. What kind of channel is this. Very disrespectful ,and instead of seeking the fats, and give the truth they are more divisive than ever. Prayers need here. People are so “nasty” without cause. Too sad.

  7. ANNIHILATED Kamala Harris’ campaign?? She is still there. No reference that has used that kind of language has ever been correct. Why do I keep seeing language like that? Please give that phrase a rest.


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