Obama Makes Curious Move After Biden Disaster – Michelle Exposed



This country can’t survive another 4 years of Obama.

We are done with the Obama’s and the Biden’s Thank you !


  1. I have said all along that moochelle would replace Biden at the convention. Then she will be “ installed “ by Barack, like Biden was! Biden didn’t win, the election was rigged, to put him in as obama’s stooge, to further the Obama agenda. They already have the rig set up! Any vote for Biden is a vote for Obama! We don’t want another Obama in office! Vote MAGA!!!!!!!! Tell Obama to take a hike! We don’t want them!

    • Patty, Great comment! I’m thinking the same. Obama didn’t want to give up being in charge and he set up Biden to be in office ( Obama being behind the scenes ) Biden only wanted to be president but didn’t want to do the work so Obama tells Biden what to do, what to say and they both get what they want. Now that Biden is not competent enough Obama will try Michelle aka Michael to fill in. It could also be Newsom but I’m thinking Newsom doesn’t have a good track record in California.

  2. Obama will
    Oust Kamala Harris and be Biden’s Vice president. Then after they hopefully win ,(they not me) then they will use the 25th amendment and Obama will become President. That the plan!!

  3. Now their kids do not even want to use their name. One daughter is changing her name. Michelle changed school lunch,s when Barack was President. Now many kids will not eat lunch at school, They do not like the food. Obama,s just like to screw thing up, just like Biden. They do not want to do what the American people want. Its all about them.

  4. The o was/is managed gy the “handler” as is Biden. If the handler wins again in November we will be mnanaged as national socialists for the rest of our countries existence.

  5. No way. No more Biden’s or Obama’s. They’ve destroyed our country. We need Trump back to fix this mess. No Michael !!!

  6. Biden will drop out of the race, that goofball Harris will become president, she will pardon Hunter and Joe, so there won’t be any wrongdoing and then the Dummy regime will have a pat person in mind. Somebody is stupid as Biden, probably Gavin Newsom, and between Soros and all of the other socialist communist. Wonderful people will help him get elected and we will be screwed for the rest of our natural lives.

  7. 7 comments (so far) reflect a dismal view of the present and future of America, the “leader of the free world.” Both leadership and freedom have been on a long path to failure. What happens to the world? What comes next?

  8. OMG

    You all should try fact-checkers. Your spelling, punctuation and clairvoyance skills could also use some work.

  9. They are garbage, and don’t care about the US citizens, only illegals, and thieves, and killers!! They are useless garbage, and The People of America better wake up fast!!

  10. gavin has proved (to those with a brain) that he’s totally incompetent (but many repeatedly prove they don’t have a brain, so …)

  11. Why do all the intelligent folks out there just look at who is leading now?
    Surely to God, American has more talented intelligent leaders who can manage the country for Americans and not for their own ends ! Haven’t Americans had enough of the “old Gaurd” be it Republican or Democrat????

  12. NO MORE Obama, NO MORE Biden! Our country cannot survive another Obama term! He is pulling the strings now, and has been since Biden was “ installed”! He admitted on colbert’s show that Biden is his “ front man” doing obama’s bidding! The plan is to destroy our country from the inside, with Obama in charge, through his stooges! Moochelle will be installed like Biden was, and “ big ears” will run the show through him/her! Why can’t anyone see that? Biden’s rhetoric is obama’s. Vote MAGA!!!!! Get the obama’s and their stooges out!!!!


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