Obama is TERRIFIED of THIS COVER UP Leaking!


Former President Barack Obama holds the keys to Joe Biden’s presidency and future career. Governor Abbott is told to stop sending illegal immigrants to New York City. I’ll share his reaction and Poland says they are ramping up for war with Belarus.

Stephen Gardner discusses this in the youtube video below:


Arrest Obama, Biden and Pelosi, DOJ, and FBI Wray!!!!

Thank God for Jim Jordan , for standing up for President Trump


  1. Hope the influx of illegals does destroy sanctuary cities and states. They have been asking for this by being sanctuary for illegals and always voting for Democrats who don’t give a damn about citizens.
    I have absolutely no empathy for them.

  2. Jim Jordan is right willis is doing a political witch hunt against president Trumph. If the democrats are aloud to do this to President Trump its going to only get worse for America

  3. Keep up good work Abbott. Keep sharing the problem with these blue demon cities. Stop Democrate from destroying our home PLEASE SIR!

  4. Break the bank of sanctuary cities like they do all other cities! THEY VOTED FOR THIS!!!!! THEY WANT THIS! STOP CRYING AND DO THEIR PART! They care so much? send more people! Or start closing border ? Deporting them! No pity! from hurting and struggling Americans ! You Democrate cause this horror show! Deal with it ! Stop whining. America is tired of it. You made your beds now lie in it! For Gods sake stop crying about what you did!

  5. They are getting what they wanted open door policy! A whole demoncratic voting base of unvetted unknow invading horde! Close the gates mass deportations cheaper than 804 billion a yr 2 support law breaking hordes, treason by our currant adminadstration helping & supporting an invading foce of mostly military aged young men from God knows where! Our government& homeland have no clue whi ,were ,& intentions FJB

  6. If you vote for a Democrat your voting for the Communist Democratic Party . They want to destroy this country Just look at every where they control


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