NYC Starts Removing The Homeless… Permanently



So wait… they arrest the homeless but not shoplifters… anyone else find that incredibly asinine.

I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i make 22k weekly. have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter… A child of God. HALLELUJAH


  1. They Arrest the homeless and give the illegals a place to stay and money to live on and a phone. Could you please ask the Democrats and Biden whats wrong with this picture. STOP VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS

  2. Where would you be housing them? They wont disappear.. or would they as disposables? And would that become to norm for the homeless everywhere on the planet?

    • Republicans should sign the homeless up to vote! Its like the homeless v.s the illegals. The illegals will soon become the new homeless with “benefits” is how to get them to vote for democrats?
      Then the illegals with be the new slaves for the democrats replacing the black folks! Black people to survive best choice would be to vote Trump just like the rest of US deplorables. lol

  3. So the people of New York are fed up with unbridled festering homelessness ( about time and long time overdue) and most of us get it, at least those of us living in cities with this issue that never ceases to be resolved yet the residents are forced to pay higher and higher taxes to so called ‘study the issue’ all while the quality of life goes into the toilet. If this wasn’t some BULLSHIT excuse i don’t know what is. Really you know what needs to be done and with the upcoming elections and it’s plain and simple, get rid of the ALL the liberals, each and every one of them (they’re all cut from the same bolt of cloth, they’re a cancer on the country and like cancer, need to be eliminated) and any candidate with a D behind their name, vote ’em out, each and every one of them, local, regional and national until they’re gone, no more second chances to screw the residents more and more and yielding the same results all while these do nothings collect huge paychecks and flip the voters the middle finger and business as usual continues. Really this issue doesn’t require the genius of Einstein, a grad degree from MIT, Stanford, Yale or Harvard, it’s plain old common sense. As they say, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different reasults each time is the definition of insanity and if this isn’t insanity, just what is? if you keep voting for the liberals, despite they’ve done nothing for you other than play you for fools and treat you like walking ATM’s all while the quality of life goes deeper and deeper into thew toilet. you have nothing to complain about and are sadly clueless, to put things politely. I thank God I don’t live in New York but have to deal with this issue here in San Francisco, the one time jewel of the golden state now only golden in the piss and S**T littering and stinking up the streets, sidewalks and city parks care of the thousands of homeless and their encampments that some places are actual biohazards. To sum things up, you’ve seen what the liberals are all about and what they’ve done, and knowing this, you might try voting for conservatives for a change and if you dont, stop complaining, you get what you vote for. No sympathy for clueless and ignorant fools.

  4. First of all, as a happily retired US CUSTOMS/INS SENIOR INSPECTOR , There is NO provision for this bogus SANCTUARY nonsense in either US CODE (Federal) or NYS regs. People claiming status under federal regs. need to file claims PRIOR to legally entering our country, and demonstrate specific reason prior to entry. Better vote not demon rate, or else move to Canada!

  5. what Canada is no better in fact Justin T. is a little wannabe Castro Tyrant! Better to stay here in America and fight! At least we still have the 2nd amendment.


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