Navy SEAL Sniper Climbs Roof Where Assassin Shot Trump, Discovers SHOCKING Proof Of Cover-Up: WHAT?!


Members of Congress are on the scene of the attack on President Trump and they discovered something odd about the “pitched roof”


Americans are tired of being lied to.

I bet Trump supporters could gather a team of people at each rally to do a better job watching and protecting him.


  1. If this be true, it would indicate a “rogue” government and its “rogue” agencies. This is a moment of sickening clarity that we are no longer living in a democratic, constitutional republic with a government of, by and for the people. This is deeply upsetting, even terrifying. The shots which hit and wounded Trump, Dutch and Coperhaven and the shot which killed Comperatore were essentially fired by murderers in a government that has equipped all IRS workers with handguns and munitions and has mandated that they all sign an agreement to use deadly force against taxpaying citizens. We all now have a bullseye on our backs and are in mortal danger. The shots fired in the rally were a repeat of the shots fired against Ft. Sumter, but this time we must avoid a hot civil war, which would be the very worse scenario. We must keep cool and focus in the critical meaning of this election.

  2. the FIBbers were anti-America on Nov. 22 1963, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, WTC #1, WTC #2 Sept. 11 2001, Housing scandal/bankrupting Amerika 2008? THEY will try again to kill DJT. All of the Gestapo was involved in the coup, INSURRECTION

  3. Why is so difficult to obtain the truth? We cannot even trust our own government! This is a democracy, not socialistic government. I am a US Army Veteran, served 6 years is this beautiful American Country. (And I am still serving my country by being Commander of the Little Neck Douglaston American Legion Post 103, at almost 86 years old. Now I cannot trust the USA.

  4. This is truly frightening, to think that the agencies tasked to protect our presidents, candidates, supreme court justices and others are the conspirators against them! And by extension, us as well! Why is this happening? Why are we allowing it? Why isnโ€™t something bieng done? The head of the FBI, DOJ, CIA and the secret service should be fired and charged with dereliction of duty! Cheatle should not be allowed to resign and walk scott free! She should be charged, along with whomever else was involved in this! We cannot allow this to be happening! This puts our country and our people in grave danger! Biden should be removed from office, if he is not capable of running for re election, he is NOT capable of running our country! Neither is Harris, they are duds, useless, should never have been in office in the first place! But, they were โ€œ installedโ€ by traitor Obama, so they could further his agenda of destroying our country! He has NO right to be dictating what happens in our country! He should be charged with treason and punished accordingly! Why is everyone so afraid of him? Why wonโ€™t they go against him? The only power he has is the power the demonrats give him! Stop feeding the beast and it will have no power! We must get Trump back in office to stop this chicanery once and for all! Take our country back, deport Soros, Obama and their families and donโ€™t let them back in our country!

  5. Now look at it the other way. Did you ever think that Trump set this up himself to get the pity vote? Unfortunately, 2 men lost their lives but he didn’t care he got what he wanted. There is no way a shooter who was raised in that area who was taught to hunt, belonged to shooting clubs and had numerous guns, is going to miss. He also had a high-powered automatic. They say he shot several rounds and Trump only got his ear clipped. Now this is the part that is all fishy.


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