MSNBC DEMANDS Trump DEBATE Biden In DELUSIONAL Rant Over Americans Trashing Biden’s Mental Health!



Trump and Chris Wallace debated in 2020 while Biden stood there staring off into space.



  1. Hard to believe that anyone would be that stupid. I would have to check his bank account to see how much money he should not have, but somehow does. Only money would make someone say anything like this idiot does

    • Trump is mentally unbalanced, a cruel, bloviating, vulgar, pathological liar and criminal who is a danger not just to the US but to the whole world.

    • That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in months! Trump is coherent? Do you really listen to him speak? I voted for him in ’16, but he proved he was a liar, fraud, and poor leader.

  2. It would be great to see the debate! Biden wouldn’t know what to see without written answers to read from.
    Biden has dementia!! Anyone that denies that fact is just plain stupid.

    • If an accusation of dementia – an outright falsehood – is the best you can do, you must be truly bereft of legitimate criticism. If anyone is intellectually challenged, it is Trump who cannot open his mouth without inventing preposterous lies and denigrating others in his truly disgusting and non-sensical, vulgarian diatribes.

  3. Lol just how stupid is msnbc ??? Guessing even stupider then Biden is. How about having a real debate about open borders and the illegals coming through cause of Biden and the cost we the people now have to front. How about illegals voting for the democrats cause their getting a free pass like biden did cause he’s old , but still guilty of having illegal documents in 3 places. Where’s the real debates about America’s problems instead of illegals problems and other country’s we are supporting in their wars. Msnbc try sticking to your stupid BS instead of real world problems. You don’t either know what the hell your talking about , or payed not to. Either way just shut the hell up.

  4. Trump is mentally unbalanced, a cruel, bloviating, vulgar, pathological liar and criminal who is mentally unstable and can’t remember who the Sec. of State is or that WWII was fought decades ago. tRump is a danger to us all!!!! Biden is competent and can at least negotiate with foreign governments without going to whore houses.

  5. Who does station think they r telling other stations what to do. Get ahold of yourself I’ve never watched u and my friends haven’t either. So get a real life and stop telling other people what to do or get off the air!!


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