Mike Johnson Makes PREDICTION On Fox News – You Won’t Believe It!



Im Canadian but I would vote for President Donald Trump in a New York minute. Drain the swamp. God bless.

In 2016 and 2020 I voted for Trump and in 2024 I will vote again for Trump!


  1. Trump will not be able to pardon his self since this case was a state charges
    the Democrats want me to be scared of them. Well come and get me
    I’m not scared of you

  2. IF those of you really delve into the Alvin Bragg , Fani , and others , you will find these people are CORRUPT to the core.
    What happens if CIVIL War erupts? There will be so many dead that the cemeteries will over flow . I suggest “We The People” begin with “The View”, Hollywood , and then Antifa/blm/lgbtqwhatever.
    Disgusting perversion of the Government by incompetent corrupt people, THINK Comey , THINK Hilary , THINK Pelosi .

  3. What part of BS are you trying to spread
    You are all a bunch of ass holes sticking with convicted lier which has done so much to this country spewing hate every time he opens his fowl mouth evil mouth
    Have we ever had so much hate in this country because of his corrupt ways you still think out of all his corruption and evil that he would be a good president stop drinking the coolaid and think with what brain you have left after listening to some one who spews hate and lies every time he opens his hate filled mouth

  4. We the people can NOT be lied to any more, we are sick of the corruption in Congress, the White House, all 3 letter (CIA/FBI/IRS etc.) needs weeding out and get them out of office, term limits for ALL politicians especially the Biden crime family Pelosi, Hillary, Shumer,Obama needs to be held accountable just as Hunter needs prison !


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