Mike Johnson ENDS Ilhan Omar Over Outbreak Of Protests Across America



Get Ilhan Omar out of our Government of The United States of America

She's blatantly Anti-American. Get her out.


  1. After not defending the Jews on the home front two face biden/blinkin want them to cave in with the Hamas killers all for maybe getting votes from terrorist within our borders. Think eveyrone knows that biden is weak corrupt and trying to hold to power he is not entirled too. They financed Iran the Palestinians and not want Isarael to bail them out, This is the result of trying to further the Obama / Kerry love affair with Iran who hates America Hate Americans and wants the total destruction of Israel.

  2. Biden speaks out of both sides. Where are the Arab states and why don’t they open their borders or give out id? Learn history there is no such person as a Palestinian. Arafat was an Eguptian.

    • IF the US & UN were funding Arafat, why would he want peace with Israel? His money would dry up. This isn’t hard math folks. Amerika is bankrupt because our nose is in every bodies business but our own. Working taxpayers in Amerika are stupid fools and slaves to an evil empire. Want proof? April 15th, every year

  3. I haven’t seen Myorkis submit to any pressure not in alignment with his criminal mission. Better come up with another plan…

  4. Before anyone is elected. Would be nice if their views and backgrounds are checked. This is done at every job. Basic safety. Hmm!

    • no one screened the 100% communist, half breed from Kenya years ago. Thank you, Dept. of JUST US (communist). This mooooslime slept with her brother….. com on man…

  5. Ilhan Omar is a disgrace to our Country. The brain damaged Minnesotans who elected her need to apply for emigration to North Korea.

    • There are a lot of Muslims in her Congressional District. They will re-elect her as often as she seeks another term.

      Trump was correct when he tried to stop Muslims from Iran and Arab nations from entering the U.S. He foresaw this situation.

  6. We need to bring back the phase: America – Love it or Leave! Perhaps we can help these people to leave by Jeering them anytime they come out of their Plush cushie homes, at eating places, and on their way to meetings or anywhere they go………. Shame Shame Shame on them.

    • every Amerikan city has a Gaza strip in it. Our money & resources go in, only HATE comes out. RED states need to separate from Amerika, AGAIN

  7. Thomas Jefferson summised this up over 200 years ago” islam has no place in America as it’s contrary to the American way of life’. Sadly mooslime filth like this is allowed here and the biggest outrage, allowed to run for public office. When oh when are the people going to learn people like this have no business here. And please this isn’t racist or xenophobic, this is plain old common sense.

  8. This raghead bitch comes here slithered into our congress and now she thinks she’s going to run our country like the shithole she’s from. She wants Sharias law for our women and chanting “death to America”. Omar should be removed from our congress and our country period. We shouldn’t accept such evil, malicious behavior from the people from any other country. These people come here and won’t except our culture but we have to accept theirs, NO IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY!!! GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR COUNTRY NOW!!! AMERICA DOESN’T NEED THIS KIND OF SHIT.


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