Mike Johnson Announces Plan Against Alvin Bragg – You WON’T BELIEVE IT!



I also Agree with MTG on Republicans waking up and joining the fight.

MTG is the only congresswoman who actually cares about the American people…


  1. Mike Johnson is not weak !
    He is a good man who will do the right thing!

    I do agree with MYG !
    The Republican Party is weak and letting the demonrats do whatever they please!

  2. To hear the Weeping Willow call Johnson a liar is disgusting and a lie. The majority of people swept up and sentenced by Jan 6 not-so grand Inquisitors have suffer egregious and inexcusable violations of their civil and constitutional rights. They have even suffered abuse and violence.
    When the Weeping Willow was in the armed services, what did he think he was defending. Certainly not for our democratic, constitutional republic with a government of, by and for the people.

  3. Mike Johnson is the biggest puppet I have ever seen. I am so sick of this republican (GOP) party. They are nothing but a huge embarrassment to our country. MTG needs to be thrown completely out of government. She belongs in the slums with her rude, loudmouth and disrespectful attitude. This is not what our elected officials should act like. The rest of the world is laughing at us because the GOP refuses to accept responsibility and support our democracy. They are, for some unknown reason, so scared of Trump they are literally lying to our faces. I’m not saying the democrats are perfect, but they at least act like respectful human beings.

    • Demoncrats Respectful?? On what planet?? I can remenber the time period 2016-20 of a video where a not too shabby looking young woman, dangling and swinging on a city lamp post. She had a skirt on, cowboy boots, but apparently no underware. A turd slowly drops from under the skirt onto a Trump For President poster just below her ass. After the turd drops, she grabs the poster and with bare hand, and SMEARS the excrement on the face of Trump.
      I don’ t get the impression she was Republican.🙄

    • So the LGBTQ Demwits are respectful? How about the Pro Palestinian Demwits? Are BLM and ANTIFA respectful? How about Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? Maxipad and Piglosi sure look respectful to me.

    • and THAT is why IT is called the uni-party. RED states need to separate from this evil empire called Amerika, AGAIN !

  4. What MTG isn’t seeing, no matter how many articles of impeachment congress sends to the senate( they have to decide on impeachment) chuckie screwmer will NOT bring them to the floor for a vote! He totally blocked the Mayorkas impeachment by refusing to even read them, much less bringing them to a floor vote. He let Mayorkas skate Scott free! MTG should be railing against the senate, NOT against Johnson! They should have left Kevin McCarthy in as speaker. But—- politics as usual didn’t let that happen because Gaetz had a bone to pick with him. Johnson is a good man, for God’s sake let him do his job! And stop bieng a big mouthed “B”, while you are doing NOTHING to help. MTG needs to get off her high horse and work WITH her Republican colleagues to get things done! Dissing the speaker just weakens his position! Work with him, not against him! She may think she is a badass firebrand, but she is a shouting shrew that thinks she is doing something. She is, but NOT the right thing! She filed articles of impeachment on Biden, nothing came of it. She should be asking herself why. Go after screwmer, make him answer up! He is majority leader for the DEMONrats, nothing happens without HIS approval! MTG needs to study up on her government policies, know what happens and why! Did she even take governing classes in school? Is she versed on the congress’ and senate roles in government? Hmmmmm! NO! By screaming, shouting and bieng confrontational, she makes herself look bad!


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