Michelle Obama’s CATASTROPHIC Return To The Limelight Is Good News



I wouldn’t vote for Michael. No way.

Michelle is not the popular diva that MSM wants so desperately for her (him) to be.


  1. But wait! Michael black and might be a woman. Obama would be either the first black female president or first black trans president. Wouldn’t the lamestream media get behind Michael just like it did for Barry when the media decided it was time for a black president. Dems need identity politics because they have absolutely nothing of substance. Michael could be just the ticket to bring out the uninformed identity voters.

    • Ditto. A boy asked his mother, “Mom, how come you’re white and how come I’m black.? His mother answered, “Don’t you go there, Barack. from what I can remember from that night at the party, you should be glad that you don’t bark”

      • the same sheeople (hypocrites) that were upset that barry boy would NOT call moooslimes, terrorist, were the same sheeople that would not call him a communist, N1663R from Kenya. GOD hates hypocrites, DON’T be that guy

        • God hates liars also and have you checked all of your facts before listening to rumors. Things are not always the way we think they are.

  2. Do people have nothing else to complain about? Michelle O is a strong and special lady who has been in the lime light for several years and handled it with class!What ever the future will bring her, she will stand up to it!

  3. I would not vote for her if she was running for Dog control officer. She has no clue on what to do , And other countrys would run over her. She destroyed kids School Lunches.

  4. We should recognize by now that Schwartz has been managing the WH since the O was president. The O and biden are one in the same.


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