Michelle Obama SHOCKING ‘Transformation’ From Electric To GAS



Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. Trump 2024

Wow wonderful that Ohio supports Trump!


  1. God is perfect… and He is infallible. Which means He is incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    For instance, there are 1804 prophecies in the Bible. The word ‘prophecy’ means He has told us what He is going to do in the future. There has never been a failure in prophecy; every prophecy, up till now, has been fulfilled perfectly. This fulfillment of prophecy proves that ALL prophecies in the Bible will always be fulfilled AT THE PROPER TIME for fulfillment. The next prophecy due is the prophecy about the Great Tribulation; Matthew 24:21 for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. 22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short. Why do we study the Scriptures? So that we can learn Truths such as this; 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.—When you learn the Truth from the Bible (John 17:17) and put what you learn into practice in your life, that leads to THIS; Who are the chosen ones? Please read the following versus very carefully;
    Psalm 37:29 “The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.”
    Ecclesiastes 1:4 “The earth remains forever.”
    Isaiah 25:8 “He will swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces.”
    Isaiah 35:5, 6 “At that time the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped. At that time the lame will leap like the deer, and the tongue of the speechless will shout for joy. For waters will burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert plain.”
    Revelation 21:4 “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
    Isaiah 65:21, 22 “They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not build for someone else to inhabit, nor will they plant for others to eat. For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree, and the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full.”
    If you have questions, please ask or email me with your questions/doubts; [email protected]. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home.

  2. Yeah, the obama’s are gas bags, always spewing their hatred for our country and our people, but they are more than happy to rake in all the money they can. If Obama couldn’t lie and gaslight everyone, he would have nothing to say! Now he is at it again( never really stopped) telling everyone how wonderful his butt buddy( one of many) is. He thinks people are listening to him, but most aren’t, we have heard all the bull crap he says already. The rhetoric never changes. Once a blatant liar, always a blatant liar! GO MAGA !!!!!!


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